Peephole (Door View) Camera

I’d rather have a fully-integrated Wyze unit, but in the meantime…

I use this one - remote access via Wi-Fi and Android/iPhone app, email alerts, 4.3-inch display, motion detection recording, built in door chime, charge battery every 90-120 days.

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Use reading comprehension for the whole thread. Not necessary for you to understand WHY we need something.

What we’ve been requesting from WYZE…for YEARS…is a peephole camera that is completely disguised as a regular PEEPHOLE.

There IS a need to develop a new camera / system that works without anything strange on the door.

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To anyone viewing this thread, the interest is the second photo of the peephole in the door. That would be the camera lens and the Wyze or other vendor camera would be on the inside of the door. Battery operated or wired would work fine. Getting power to the inside of the door is relatively simple.

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Right. I was directly answering a question from user Vision who asked about an overhead door mount option.

Please use reading comprehension and read again. I was replying to “Vision” who asked:

My mistake. I didn’t notice your response was to a nearly two year old, off-topic question.

Wyze has been completely unresponsive about developing a peephole replacement product (not a big dongle doorbell replacement, not a door-overhang product, etc.), so I think most of us on this thread would appreciate keeping things relevant to the original, nearly three year old, post.

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I always thought this was a great idea to implement since a large majority of people have peep-holes but I see this still lingers as "maybe-later":sleepy:

@wyz3r I am trying to build my own but don’t want to ope n it. Can I put the lens outside the camera? How do I choose the len? Does it still work with motion? If so does it lose sensitivity?

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I do not live in an apartment but I would also like a peephole doorbell. It would be easier to mount and I could change the battery easily inside the house without too much effort assuming no need for a screwdriver. Since I have Wyze cameras I would not need yet another app.

I see Amazon now has a product that sort of meets the criteria we’ve asked for here. Amazon: Kasfye peephole camera with Wifi. The problem is with the lousy support and app/software. Also, it’s kind of big so might not fit in a lot of peoples’ doors.

Another perfect opportunity for Wyze, but they’re apparently oblivious.

I’m sure I’m not the only one that thinks this is a good idea. Doorbell cameras are nice, but it is always a weird angle and usually a delay to see the image. A peephole camera with a monitor mounted on the back of the door with motion sensing trigger would be ideal.

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Yes, you’re talking about this one:

No wifi on it, though. That’s what a lot of us want Wyze to produce.

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You’re right. I would prefer having a wi fi monitor that can be located anywhere in the house along with a cell phone notification that would also show the image.

@wyz3r Are you still selling 3d printed mount?

I’m not selling them, but you can find the files for free in my earlier post: Peephole (Door View) Camera - #124 by wyz3r

If you don’t have a printer you can usually find a maker space or someone to do it locally; if not I’d be willing to send you one for material + shipping cost.

You may need to modify the design slightly to fit your peephole.


The peephole cam is a great idea. I am surprised no one makes one that can easily click or mount on the existing peephole.

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I’ll have to do some research to see if I can find somewhere to print it if not I’d totally be willing to reimburse you for your time and materials. iMessage, you have a few questions and I just joined this for him and I don’t see how you can message somebody directly.

Where I am at currently.

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Any update on this? Did you end up finding a 20mm that would work?

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Peephole camera for condos (undetectable)

Dear Wyze Developers,

I would love it if you could please create a “peephole camera”, with a motion sensor, sound sensor and constant recording capabilities.
It would need to be completely undetectable for use in condos.
Please, please, please…

There is nothing on the market that does all of this.

I need a device to help me catch my creepy neighbour in the act of vandalizing my door and have proof.

Thank you in advance for considering my idea.

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Hey I was going to dabble with a lens mod but I found that wyze started selling a 3x telephoto og cam. I tested it yesterday and it works flawlessly. Double side tape to from inside and leave the outside lens on.