What do you think of A Space Heater

Is this for real? Most ridiculous idea since putting out an outdoor camera before a video doorbell. Everyone uses a V2 outdoors. A space heater? How about NO.


i’d like a short list of products that work, rather than a long lost of rebranded crap that works randomly.

NONE of my Wyze Sense sensors work even 10% of the time. I got them all to connect on the weekend with a hard reset and its Tuesday and they are all offline again.
My Pancam was sending movement notifications last week but has stopped now, my other 4 cams are totally random in sending any movement alerts, the one in my rear garden has never sent any and two cams in my garage looking at the same area only occasionally work.


:+1: :+1:


Oh for heaven sake please stick to the problems we already have… Just today it was so hot my camera came unglued to the wall. On top of that the night vision switches from black and white to color. At times it’s so distorted you can’t see anything. I have only used it for a month. I turned the camera off and it turned back on. Has me wondering if it’s been hacked into. That is camera is in my bedroom. Now as for the question at hand. I think that you guys would be taking on to much far to soon. Stick to what you already have available. Fix the problems and issues with those devices. You can’t expect anyone to take your products seriously if your ignoring your loyal customers advice.


Here is my list of my Wyze products that work properly: 6 of 28
8 Plugs = 0
8 light bulbs = 1
6 Motion sensors = 0
2 Contact sensors = 1
1 Pancam = 1
3 Wyze Cams. = 3 (most of the time)


You status makes me want to leave the product alone all together except for the cameras

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They shouldn’t even consider such and idea of working on a space heater. Fix the heat problems with these cameras

I just saw this posted! Is this actually for real?? Come on Wyze! What on earth does a smart home company want to do with a space heater? Smart Thermostat YES Space Heater NO.


Now you’re just being silly.


I’ve just been putting SD cards in my wyze cams, enabling continuous recording, and putting a stack of the cams in the corner of my room for space heat. Works GREAT! Just ask your legal department.


A space heater? Come on guys. It’s not April Fools day. Are you serious? I thought that you were crazy to come up with a bathroom scale. Now I KNOW that you are NUTS if you are even half serious about a space heater.

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Yep. My cameras seem to be holding up, but I have plenty of them. I’m done buying any more Wyze products until they can show that they work. The biggest problem I have is that they shut down & won’t restart after a power outage. When you are away from home for an extended time (or any time!) it makes these products worthless. I was told by a rep to have a neighbor or relative go in and reset them! If I pay them by the hour, that would get expensive. Even when I’m home, it takes way too long to reset everything, so I tend to not use them much.

In fairness some of that just seems to go with the territory. I’ve had one Echo (out of several) decide to unregister itself just last week, and it’s happened to other smart devices from time to time.

I totally agree, but to have so many not work seems like a poor choice for me to purchase again.
I am surprised about Echo. But I know it happens. We have 3 Echos and a Show. They all work fine, but maybe we’re lucky. Hope you were able to register the Echo again.

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Thanks. Yeah I had to re-register it as if it were new but once it rejoined the account it seemed to get back its original name and everything. Alexa is a weird and fickle beast.

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There’s an understatement… :grin:

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A space heater??? No thank you. Please put more resources to the cameras. Respectfully, the company seems to be going off track with all of the other products. How about a doorbell? I’ll buy that in a heartbeat. How about an outdoor camera with wired power? How about a security system with a DVR?
I love ya, Wyze - but stay focused on what got you here.


Prefer a leak detector for water heater pan.


I wouldn’t do it. I’d rather you focus more on your outdoor camera products and sensors. Home automation is here to stay and you can really help make that an affordable option for people. Look at doing outdoor weather stations to compete with the Davis’s and Tempest’s of the world. Work to open up your system so that Zigbee and Zwave products can be integrated into the Wyze platform. Do something that can bring this ecosystem together and Wyze is at the center. Don’t worry about the space heaters.

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A smart controlled space heater would be great everyone doesn’t live in California. That would save me money and keep my house comfy here on lake erie most of the year I think it’s a great idea it’s from wyze . That’s all they have. Keep Rocking Wyze