Time lapse video does not exist.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions!

Tried formatting the SD card and got the time-lapse feature to work in the app once, but then all subsequent attempts threw the same error. Very frustrating.

I then tried to open and view the time lapse files directly from the SD card via my PC. Didn’t have any luck with VLC, but was able to play them using Kodi. To convert them to a standard video format, use the screen recorder of your choice. I used the PC Record feature within Filmora, my favorite video editing software.

Still super annoying, but at least there’s a workaround.

FW Version was the last public release that worked for me,
But you have to do the SD card flashing to go back.
It also seems to be size sensitive, I can’t get files over ~1Gb to download.

Same problem here. Real pain in the butt because I put my camera on the roof and I hate heights. I have to go up there just to get the video. Very lame. It could kill me.

the fix is currently in testing…just have to wait it out at this point.

I’ve also got the exact same issue. Just purchased new Wyze cam w/ 32GB card from Amazon(.ca).

Tried timelapse, Couldn’t get files.

Upgraded firmware, had problem reading SD card (read somewhere else might’ve been formatting issue so used the “official” format tool from SD, then cam was having no further issues reading.

But, timelapse file read issue persists.

I can create timelapses of any duration, or interval. Regardless of what I choose, and regardless of whether or not I let it complete, or interrupt it (and save), I can never read the timelapse through the app.

I’ve tried seeing the files on my PC (windows 7) - each timelapse is in a folder of its own with a log.txt and the h264 file. But the app always fails on trying to download the file from the cam and reports that it doesn’t exist (per the root issue statement of this thread).

I know there’s a fix mentioned in progress, just wanted to share feedback & details in case it’ll help track things down.

make sure you are using the search button to help you find solutions on issues before you post.
I;n not trying to shun you or anything like that, it just might give you more insight to the issue. this is a very well known issue at this point and the fix is currently being worked on between alpha and Beta. :slight_smile: it will be fixed quite soon I believe, they try to pack as many fixes in each new firmware as possible so that the community as a whole have as much fixed as soon as possible.

Looks like the newest update has fixed the issue! I am able to download my time lapse videos

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Firmware appears to have resolved my issue as well. TL now download fine.


The same me