SmartThings Integration

Add another vote for Smartthings integration

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I have been waiting for Smartthings integration so I can buy some Wyze cameras.

While I have liked the Wyze camera, the lack of integration with SmartThings is going to make me move to some other camera. If I can’t get the simple task of turning the camera on and off from SmartThings, then it isn’t worth much to have the camera. Even the huge hack of using IFTTT doesn’t work any more.

All I ask for is a way to turn the darn thing off when I am home and on when I am away – which I track using SmartThings.

Why do companies think we need another proprietary hub to confuse everything? And just having Google whatever-they-call-their-system these days is not integration into a home automation system.


While cameras connected to ST would be nice, more so I desire the ability for rules/triggers to interoperate. Motion sensor in therm if between midnight and 6am turns on X lights. Things like that…maximizing the gadgets/technology we have have.


I think the whole point is that if it had SmartThings integration, or an open API, things like that would be a piece of cake… utilizing the gadgets and technology we already have. Its all already there, Wyze just won’t open it up, so instead you’re stuck with useless gadgets that don’t work with anything else and have extremely limited functionality. Thats why people who want smart home functionality exactly like you mentioned have moved on to other devices.

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@crisp330 That is exactly my point, and I don’t understand why people don’t get this. Why do I have to have 3 or 4 hubs and phone apps when it wouldn’t be hard to add SmartThings support? The Wyze camera is great, but I guess I will get rid of it if I can’t control it from SmartThings. I am tired of getting notifications of movement that are me, because I am home. I guess I might try plugging it into a Zwave outlet so I can just turn it off when I am home. Pretty stupid hack to get around the deficiency of the Wyze camera. I assume it will keep its state and wifi login information when I unplug it.

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I’m with you and @crisp330 for sure…would LOVE on hub that everything would connect to.
Moving to other devices doesn’t solve the problem.
Each system out there is basically a closed system.
I avoided ST for a long time for this reason, tried openHAB and hoped it would work.
It did, but you also have to do a deep dive into learning their programming, I eventually gave in.
Finally I bit the bullet and went ST.
Next was cameras.
Wyze won on price and function.
I don’t use any Wyze locks (August, but not thrilled with it) or switches (various brands that work with ST).
Still, as previously mentioned, full connectivity between my Wyze items and my ST items would be outstanding.
Can’t we all just get along [and have interoperable functionality]??


I switched to SmartThings before Samsung bought them and have been happy they kept them independent. Not perfect, but lots of integrations, so I am generally happy. My door lock is the Schlage Century using Zwave. Works fine and looks pretty cool. ST works with Ecobee thermostat, the door lock, and even my Logitech remotes. But, there are so many new switches and outlets that use some crazy new wifi system and don’t work with anything else. Even the Android alarm clock that works with ST quit being supported! I didn’t realize that until just recently. It still works, but you can’t download it from the Android App Market. And I used to think that X10 was annoying!

I agree with Brewcam. I don’t care about turning cameras on and off. All of mine are outside and on all the time. I want to be able to integrate the wyze sense items, bulbs, sensors and even people detection on the cameras into automations. I run almost all of my automations through webcore, mainly so I only have one place to look at or change them, no matter if it is complicated like the scripts I wrote for the keen vents or simple like turning on the water closet light if the motion sensor sees motion.


For those ST users that aren’t using Action Tiles…well…again, with ST integration, it would make action tiles event better/more useful.

Another vote for SmartThings integration, I am holding off on purchasing additional products until since I can’t add their thermostat, door lock etc to my dashboard on sharptools

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The motion and door sensors are the big ones for me. I can’t wait any longer. Looks like I need to rip them all out and find something that integrates everything. It’s a shame because their products are the right price point.


Yes, I want it all to integrate, but at the same time, I work with what we are given.
For the longest time I was all X-10.
I eventually gave up on X-10 and went with Wink.
That’s a great hub, but then they started the subscription and I went to SmartThings.
It’s been great.
I use Wyze for cameras.
Now thermostats.
Maybe more to come, but not switches or bulbs or sensors.
I don’t mind having 2 distinct things, but sure would be nice if they played well together.

I use IFTTT and Location services in IFTTT on my phone to auto turn on/off the Wyze camera. Works great. You get 3 free recipes, so I use 2 of them for this (1 to turn it on when I leave home, 1 to turn it off when I arrive home).

yeah, I think i’ve followed the same path, and getting left in the cold by companies like Wink, so for that reason I’ve avoided buying into just one ecosystem. I have a mishmash of bands and hubs, and usually when one doesn’t work with one hub, I can make it worth with another.
I don’t mind, maybe even like, doing it DIY, and so long as it’s wife approved, I’ll keep down that path.
wyze seems to be making improvements, based on my v3 experience, so I’m happy to support them.
I think they’re stretching themselves a bit, with the alarm system, sprinkler, etc, so I hope that doesn’t make them forget about some devices but helps them grow the company and keep improving.


This should be something that Wyze and SmartThings can work out. We just need to be able to connect the bridge to the ST hub using the USB port. The hardware seems to be there. If SmartThings is dragging their feet you should say that. I see that Home Assistant can integrate with the bridge directly.

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Samsung has an open development/integration platform for SmartThings and has for many years. This is Wyze intentionally ignoring the largest home automation platform (63+ million active monthly users), because they think they can compete against it. Wyze’s lack of care and support for their user base is blatantly transparent.


Just want to raise my hand and vote for Smartthings integration. Been wanting this for a long time.


Didn’t realize HA could integrate with the hub…actually didn’t know there was a hub [I don’t use Wyze automation items]. Still, I’d rather not run HA & ST.

Come on Wyze, this would be great.


[edit] This was a post for an entirely different forum, so deleted.

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