Motion/person not detected for (x amount) time rules trigger with CAMERA


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currently through the Wyze PIR sensor you can do a rule such as motion not detected for 5 minutes> turn off living room plug

can we get this same trigger for the camera for motion and person detection?

I am using a Wyze bulb in my office and also have a camera in there. I keep shutting the light off with the wall switch, but I would love to set up a rule that motion not detected for 5 minutes, turn off office light.

the only way to currently accomplish this would be to buy and put in a Wyze PIR sensor which is battery operated (booo) and is somewhat harder to aim.

if this was implemented with the V2 cam I have in there I can set a good detection zone (using the new grid system) and set it for person or motion so my pets don’t turn it on or keep it on.

currently this rule/trigger is only available for the Wyze sense.

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