Home Assistant Integration

Was so down to buy these and upgrade my old D-Link cameras… But why wyze doesn’t want my money??? I mean they do… But why give it to them if they won’t open the darn api… I rather buy xiomi and hack those!
The scale is awesome,I got say

I think the team is uber busy with all the new products being released. Hence no time to look at this…maybe? I hope they do prioritize this now though. So many more people buying.

WYZE — they are such a disrupter. I was surprised that they did not have HA integration.


Dear Wyze,

3 doorbells, 3 thermostats, 2 outdoor camera, and more sensors will be added to my 2 indoor cameras and sensors I already own, only once home assistant integration exists. This includes trashing my 3 nest thermostats I got from my power company, You complain about cloud costs, let us stay off the cloud with your devices and we will keep buying your products without adding cloud costs to your overhead. Win/win.


Hey Guys,
I don’t think WYZE is interested in this as they have not commented or made any indication this is coming. So wondering, do you have any other brand you recommend that does have HA integration?



If you don’t mind a bit of DIY, Shelly has some excellent products at a great price point, which can work with HA. The applications are incredibly vast.


wow!! I had been waiting on this…my cousin wants to get into smart home. I might just pass on my Wyze stuff to him and get into Shelly…thanks for the news.


Wow ! thank you dude! I never knew about this brand! they have so many products. Will give them a try.


No problem. I only discovered them a couple of months ago, but I’ve been very pleased at the flexibility. There are also a bunch of YouTube tutorials to help as well. I’ve got one of their bulbs and two of their basic relays. Once I tackle these, I want to work with the nodeMCU (starting with ESP8266), which are also HA compatible.

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Thanks for that. I never heard of them either. They don’t seem to make US compatible plugs (and their camera seems wonky) but everything else is interesting stuff.

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US compatible Plugs. Looks like they do. But even If they didn’t, their relays use dry contacts so the voltage does not matter; so, you could turn any plug or light switch into a smart switch invisibly, which is pretty awesome. I’ve never messed with their camera.


Thank you, that didn’t show up in their main “Plug&Play” section. Nice, 12 bucks, standalone / internal web server…


Which one is easiest to turn existing wall switch to smart switch?

If it is a single pole switch, then the Shelly 1 is probably the way to go. If it is a 3-way or 4-way switch, then you would need to use one of the other Shelly devices and the wiring would be more complex. If you have bumper switches instead of traditional switches, there are a couple of neat videos that show how to change a bumper switch into a momentary switch so that you could have different actions take place for a short press and a long press.


Heads up to anyone considering IFTTT pro, they just announced that they are extending the set you own price until the end of the month.

The regular price will be $3.99 per month, which is more reasonable than $9.99. They are also considering a one time payment option.

I already have Home Assistant setup and now switching to Shelly, I can save myself some $ and be in control.
Good luck to IFTTT.

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I love my Wyze sensors with the HA integration. And Wyze is putting out some products I’d love to purchase, but until I can use them in HA I will have to look elsewhere. Let me stay off the cloud (including yours) and Ill pick up all kinds of products!

It’s a shame that no one from the company is answering this thread, cmon guys!!

Shows how much they really care about their customers.

The fact that they haven’t released an API sooner makes me feel like they are trying to keep customers in their own ecosystem.

Little do they know or care that most of us would be happier with our wyze products if we can make our own integrations and solutions.

Honestly, I think with IFTTT, Alexa, and Google they thought it would be enough. Nobody anticipated IFTTT switching to a paid model. Wyze is in the middle of launching a half dozen new products, so this isn’t going to happen quickly, but I do think it’s going to happen!

If we can all set aside our modern instant gratification tendencies, we might be surprised! Just be patient.