Has ANYONE gotten a Wyze watch that the O2 sensor works accurately?

Most of the posters here can’t get a wrist reading. And for me, even the finger reading clearly doesn’t work.

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Still haven’t had anyone with a known low SpO2 reading confirm the watch accurately reported it from a wrist read. Low numbers are what is critical to know. Just read another article, this time the Washington Post, where the Apple watch 6 and the Fitbit Sense have similar issues reading at the wrist, for a list of reasons, and those companies will not disclose accuracy information. Neither are FDA approved devices. Since low readings are the critical information and not one confirmation of low readings here, I tend to agree with what the article said, “They’re mostly useless”.

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I’m getting readings that correspond to my home pulse/ox meter and my Doctor’s. However, my readings are always in the very high 90s.
I tried taking a reading on my finger and it also matched my pulse/ox. No problems reading on my arm, though.

Thanks for the update, but what we are saying is the watch always reads high 90’s on the wrist even when the true SpO2 is in the low 90’s or lower. Those of us with respiratory issues ( low SpO2 numbers) are trying to point out the watch isn’t accurately reporting it by measuring on the wrist. When you can’t breathe, it’s pretty obvious the reported high 90’s numbers are wrong.

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They understand. The feature doesn’t work. I didn’t see the feature listed in the updated advertised watches. If Apple and Fitbit can’t get it right yet, then nobody can, I just wish they hadn’t hem-hawed about it. Always pays to be up front when there’s a problem.

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They should offer a refund, particularly for those that purchased the watch for the use of the O2 monitor.

It certainly doesn’t work on the wrist and I’m trying to get comfortable with the reads on my fingertip. Honestly, I’m okay with taking the watch off and checking my SpO2 on my finger. My experience is fingertip reads excessively low on bad mornings and excessively high on good days. If my pulse/ox reads 90-92, the watch reads in the high 80’s on my fingertip. If my pulse/ox reads 95-97 on my fingertip, the watch reads 98-99 on my fingertip. Wrist reads are always excessively high, thus worthless. I don’t know if that helps anybody else, but this is obviously easier to carry around than my pulse/ox.

People expecting these devices to let them know if their SpO2 is indicating health issues need to do some Internet research. Early on, I voted on the scheduled SpO2, but now realize how misleading that can be. Hopefully, it is a software issue, but if Apple or Fitbit can’t get FDA approval on their $300-$400 watches, I’m thinking there is more to it.

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The WaPo article mentioned by Overwatch above is useful reading- https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/09/23/apple-watch-oximeter/?outputType=amp
It indicates these devices are intended for “general trends” and not for diagnostic purposes.

I was surprised by some of the article’s comments, Seems that Wyze has done decent work in their implementation, despite using what has to be off-the-shelf hardware.

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Yes, one reason I didn’t link the article is because I thought it was written very carefully not to piss off the manufacturers that provided him with “samples”. The closest he came was including this quote:

“But the more concerning and potentially dangerous scenario is when the devices provide false reassurance and people don’t seek health care when they really need it,” Clark said.”

Other than that, he carefully danced around the issues. Even so, it wasn’t a glowing article. Everything I’ve read discusses tracking healthy readings, aka “General trends”, +/- 2% and says nothing about accurately reporting outside that range, which is what you absolutely need to know.

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I stand corrected. The Sp02 feature is still included in their advertising.

Can we measure the spo2 throughout the night?

No, there is no current scheduled SpO2 capability, tho I see it has been severally requested. Manual actuation followed by ~10 seconds of required stillness for now.

And the it is not accurate at all. Wyze should delete this app.

Well no. They should put out a disclaimer like Apple and Fitbit. It still works for me, but I do have to use it on my finger and forget the wrist. Wrist reads simply report 95+ regardless of what my real SpO2 is. I’m also now of the opinion they should schedule readings overnight. Apparently, people don’t care if it is accurate or not, as long as it reads 95+, people seem to be happy. At some point, you just have to shake your head and say “yeah, sure, go play in the street.”

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I’ve responded before and won’t do it anymore after this response (Promise). I have tried everything to make the watch read incorrectly.
However, since I am 70 years old and still have O2 levels that run in the very high 90s, I can’t replicate this problem on my watch.
I have tried it on my finger, too. Still a good reading compared to my pulse/ox meter that I purchased when my wife and I had Covid.
Should this unproven app be on my Wyze smart watch? Probably not. However, it’s pretty easy to ignore it and for $27 including
shipping, it still does MUCH more than a cheap watch from Walmart. The “fruit” seller has its new watches that range in price from
$400 to $1,500 for the model 6 and $200 to $400 for the SE model. Replacement bands range from $50 to $540 each. Reports on the web
say that their O2 sensor can supposedly read from 70 to 100, but several doctors and EMTs said that it was inaccurate and that they
would not trust anything but a pulse/ox fingertip monitor that uses a different technology for the reading. I guess what I’m saying is that even
without the O2 sensor, the Wyze watch is still one helluva deal. I just ordered a second one to keep for good so that I can wear my original
when working on my car or in the yard. If you are bought a $27 watch to check your critical O2 sats, you’ve made a poor choice.

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Don’t say those of us that trusted Wyze to provide a watch that accurately senses O2 made a poor choice. The only poor choice we made, unbeknownst to us, is trusting Wyze to provide a product that provides what they state in their ads. Won’t make that ‘poor choice;’ again.

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Well said Rich. I am surprised at the number of posters basically saying, “it’s a cheap watch, you expected it to work?”. Phantastic isn’t the only one. It’s a watch that was specifically advertised as measuring SpO2 and still advertised as such. I wonder what they would be saying if they still had Covid and the watch was reading 99%? This is the point those of us with known low numbers have been trying to make. It’s like hanging an empty fire extinguisher on the wall. It’s not going to do what you need it to do when you really need it.

I look at every feature of this watch and there are issues. It tells time, but the watch faces are really bad. Steps are around 75% of what my phone measures. The timers are not useful and custom is too hard to set. SpO2 only gives out “healthy” range numbers. Heart rate doesn’t go below 50 bpm. Weather works (for me) and probably alarms although I still use my phone for both because it is far superior in overall ease of use.

For $20, Wyze has given me insight into the limitations of these wearable devices. Wyze could fix some of these issues, but my experience with the V2 (for example the sunrise/sunset schedule) over two years ago makes me think they will simply move on the the next toy.

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I NEVER said it was a poor choice entirely. I merely stated that even the $1500 watches couldn’t supply the correct readings. ALL of these “through the skin reflection” meters aren’t working correctly. They use a different technology than the pulse/ox meters that read through the finger. My point was that for $20 we all still got a good deal on a watch, much less a smart watch.

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Well Rich, Wyze convinced me that you are correct. With the release of the latest firmware update on 7/7/2021, Wyze fixed the Sp02 feature so it doesn’t even work on the finger now. I was careful to read the release notes before I updated to make sure this wasn’t something they would screw up, but it is Wyze. So, I’ve tossed the watch, literally, and have gone back to my Casio. I have no intention of purchasing any Wyze products going forward. They seem to be a type of pyramid scheme of selling cheap junk products and then moving on to next one. They “fixed” the complaint of men not being able to track their cycles, completely trashed the dysfunctional Sp02 feature, but still haven’t fixed the watch faces. Great work!

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I agree with you. I junked the watch and am using my Samsung watch. Not worth sending the Wyze watch back for a refund.