AWS Outage Impacting Multiple Wyze Services - 12/15/21

This is great advice not only for Wyze stuff but the internet in general. First thing to check is if the internet in general is messed up. Most times if something was working a few minutes ago and now it’s not it points to a problem outside your control.

The very first thing I do is check my modem, if internet then reboot router, after that it’s check this forum or downdector Downdector also showed the Wyze outage.


For some reason I also forgot about the breaker for hard to reach plugs. That is a very good tip.


All my Wyze (100+) (and non-Wyze IoT devices affected by the AWS outage) devices are back and functioning, including Rules.

I did nothing but wait for the “All Clear” before investigating any further and 98% returned on their own. all items except the WRV and VDB.

The 2 Wyze devices that gave me the most fits were the Wyze Robot Vacuum (WRV) and the Video Doorbell (VDB).

First action item… Rebooted my IoT Wireless access point. This brought all connected devices down for a bit, but upon full return the WRV reconnected and was sent merrily to clean the kitchen.

The VDB was still unhappy, Second Action Item, disconnect power for a moment and reapply power. The VDB came back up and is functioning.

I did have 1 of 3 outdoor plugs unhappy. It was buried in a group and I missed it. I unplugged it for 10 seconds, plugged it back in and it is working properly now.


I got up a little while ago, checked my app and everything is back up. Cameras and outdoor plugs.
I do wish I would have gotten a notice when things first went haywire. I wasted a lot of time trying to reboot and fix things on my end, when the issue wasn’t even on my end.
I finally checked the forum and found out what the issue was. I consider myself lucky that they came back online by themselves after all the tinkering I had done earlier when the system was down.
Like I said earlier, it would have been nice to get an email when Wyze first knew there was an issue. Would have saved me a lot of time and aggravation!

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Everything is back up. I did have to turn one of the bulb switches off and back on, and cycle the circuit breaker for the door bell cam.
Now I think should be a turning point for Wyze. There should be no reason that the majority of their devices do not function when there is such an outage. Especially things like outlets and vacuums. It would also be nice for the cams to continue working, especially if they have microSD cards installed. Let’s see you act on this, Wyze.

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Still not working here.
Did a RESTART from the App.
Did full power Off at breakers,
Did a stop in the app config.
And not even detecting motion anymore.
And no Cam PLUS AI Person detection since the 13 December.
Fouth day now OUT OF SERVICE.

Just about ready to rip everything off and start new with more reliable products.

What actions is Wyze taking to prevent recurrence of this outage? Please present the plan / steps that will be implemented to avoid this in the future.

It is okay to make a mistake in business, such as having a single point of failure, But it is not okay to not learn from that mistake and allow it to be repeated in the future. There must be a plan for backup redundancy, or this WILL happen again. No business can afford to repeatedly fail all its customers.


Glad i know you have to use a cloud service to use the freaking vacuums. Won’t be getting them

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Yeah at least for the robot vacuum you need internet connection and AWS to not be having issues. What annoys me is the robot vacuum has no way to power cycle to refresh connection, only option is to factory reset it to get it working again and then you lose all your mapping.

This is the final straw for me. I will not be buying any more Wyze products until a local control solution is implemented. I can’t deal with my lights being reliant on the cloud, when they could be locally controlled. I can understand cloud uptime affecting my home security’s ability to contact emergency services, but it is not acceptable for the base alarm system to go down – I can protect myself, but I need to know if somebody is breaking into my downstairs window that I can’t hear from my bedroom.

AWS has gone down multiple times this year, and I agree that this is mostly Amazon’s fault for not being nearly as reliable as they have led us all to believe. However, Wyze needs to have redundancy, and I can’t see myself purchasing any more products that can’t retain at least baseline functionality when their infrastructure is down.


Things brings to light a serious flaw in the system. We utilize bluetooth to set up all these devices and yet when was goes down we lose control of the devices. Why is it that there is no option for direct non internet related control of the devices when you are at home right next to them. In the instance of the wyze plug why should I have to move furniture to get to it to turn it on when my app and bluetooth should be able to do it with no problem.

I woke up this morning and all of my Wyze devices work just fine. That said, last night I installed home assistant on my server, it is far superior to Wyze and will be converting to that over the next month or so. I really feel bad for the people relying on Wyze for security. This outage made me realize local control is a must. There should be absolutely no reason that these Wyze devices should need permission from a server 100s of miles away to function. Hopefully with all of these comments, Wyze will get the message. Looking forward to posting a video throwing all of these stupid devices in my bonfire.

Just a thought: if wyze wants to be known as a reliable security provider, not only would a fallback switch to local app control be a minimum for ability to toggle devices on/off at a minimum, but they need a backup to you! You shouldn’t be the only one to notify users. Because I was busy yesterday, I did not get onto this web forum right away, but I was on Facebook early because that’s where I find my friends and family for our routine checking on each other. Anyway, I see a lot of others who use the fb group while seemingly unaware of this web forum. For whatever reason, I did not get notified from wyze until after 5pm pst or after 8pm my time. So maybe consider having some backup for yourself so all the wyze communities can be notified of issues in a timely manner. Once again, thanks for your time and effort and your genuine consideration! Much appreciated!

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Everyone needs to calm down. The earth is still revolving on its axis, we haven’t been hit by a meteor and life goes on. AWS had another outage and it affected things. That’s the price for having affordable stuff. Where would you all like the local control to reside?? In the light bulb or in some unicorn chip inside the $20 camera? I agree there should be some provision with monitoring and there’s a base station so it’s likely technically possible but to demand schedules, automation and AI to reside in a tiny plug? Seriously, everyone get a grip.

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What do you mean? There’s a power button on the vac you can use to power it up and down.

Though I largely agree with the sentiment - which part of INTERNET of Things and CLOUD Service did people not understand - the needs for control are fairly minimal and COULD be done on the Linux firmware running on all these devices. It’s just a tricky business, especially when people ALSO want control when they’re NOT on the same LAN.

I’m eventually heading for HomeAssistant / Frigate but I have no illusions that it will be easy.

About half of my cameras are sketchy, and 2 have not come back up at all. I may have to factory reset a couple of them but they are a PITA to get to, so I bought a couple of v3 to replace them. If I am going to all of that trouble I may as well upgrade for minimal cost.

Still don’t have an ETA on complete service restoration, but I am not freaking out either.

You should not need internet access to turn on and off a switch… automation functions can reside where ever they want but basic control when on your local network should not cause any price increase as like everyone says there’s an app for that.

Well all of our sites are back on line we had to do a few battery cameras hub we had to re boot them

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Frustrating that the solution to “My Wyze Doorbell” won’t reconnect after the outage is to do a reboot. No easy feat on some doorbells as I have no idea what circuit breaker it is connected to.

And if that doesn’t work, Wyze says to do a factory reset. Not an easy thing to do when 557 miles away from the house.

Color Bulbs are also still not working as of 8.56a MST.

Your AWS nightmare is not resolved. Before I go around resetting more devices I will wait till you get this really fixed.

It looks like a lot of the $100 million you recently got is going to be going into another cloud provider for your backend.

Hope you get some sleep.