Yearly recurring schedules for Wyze Sprinkler

I just installed the wyze sprinkler to replace my RainMachine HD8 and the scheduling seemed to be missing the option to have a “yearly recurring” feature. I can set the end date to 100 years in the future, but overall I like to control my water usage from spring through fall by setting different schedules based on the start and end dates. For example:

Spring: Start April 15, End May 31 - Watering is about 75% capacity
Summer: Start June 1 , End September 15 - Watering is 100% capacity
Fall: Start September 16, End October 31 - Watering is about 75% capacity

I don’t want to have to enable/disable the schedules or update the time stamp every year I want to use it if I can help it.

If anyone knows how to accomplish this, please let me know.

Add calendar schedule for Wyze sprinkler not tied to year. E.g.every year I need to channel the default length and days to water depending on season. No tie to year


Remove the Year From Sprinkler Schedule

There is no reason to have us enter a year for start and end times on the sprinkler schedule. The only thing needed for setting up a schedule is starting and ending day and month. By having a year option all the schedules will overlap if you set the year more than one year ahead on each schedule. If you set the year the end on the same year as the beginning of the schedule, then you will have change the end year every year. If you forget, then your sprinklers will not go on.

Please remove this unnecessary and cumbersome feature.