Wyze Watch 47 - Notifications

If you have your messaging app open and have someone send you a text does it appear on your watch then?

Just tried this as well and a no go. I appreciate your suggestions as a few of them I have not tried. Trying this from all angles to be able to provide feedback to Wyze if I can find some way that it works. Sending them back my original purchased watch today but will still have the replacement they sent me. This seems to be a firmware issue.

Sir you need to find somebody else with an iPhone 12 with the same message that working. see if they have it working. it’s not it’s not the watch it’s the phone not compatible with the watch / app

Apple has great difficulty making their watch with their phone and they’re both built by the same people

Did you try this from above?


I have a co-worker that has the watch and an apple product that it is working. We plan to test the watch on his phone next week and review all of my settings to see if I am missing something.

Is it the iPhone 12 ?
I’ve been a IT consultant for over 30 years nothing has caused me more grief than the iPhone.

The basic AppleCare response is always you’re holding the phone wrong it was never anything with the IPhone…other than the real answer, our last update broke something …we will fix it when we get around to it.

Apple makes major changes in the OS without consulting the third party developers who are creating apps that are supposed to work with their phones / iPads / etc… Not really a way to do business in my humble opinion

It is an iPhone 12 as well. I’m in the electronics field as well so I would like to figure this out to let them know. I want to support them as much as I can.

Finally got this figured out. It was an Apple problem. Had to go to settings,general,reset, reset all settings and it now works!

I have the Samsung S10e. About every 3 weeks, my watch stops getting ALL notifications. The ONLY fix is to remove the watch 47, then reinstall it. WHY?

This worked for me. In addition to doing this, I reconnected the watch, and other common things, then sent myself a text and I’m not getting notifications on my watch.

Now today it stopped working, but I think it had to do with me changing settings on my iPhone 12 Pro (iOS 14.6). I don’t like having text notifications show up on my phone’s lock screen, so I shut that feature of my message alters off, and then I couldn’t get notifications on my watch. So I turned it back on, and I still wasn’t getting any notifications on my watch. So I shut “notifications” off in the Wyze app, reboot the watch (via Wyze app), turned notifications back on (on Wyze app) and then rebooted the watch and now they work.

I’ve learned not to mess with anything now in regards to text notifications / text alerts, and I’m hoping this helps someone out there bc it drove me batty for weeks.

I had Watch 47 and order another one for my wife. Both of us are using an iPhone 12 mini. My notifications worked fine, hers were not working. No amount of reinstalling the app, resetting the Watch, etc helped. Googling yielded little results too.
After an engine evening fiddling with it I was able to figure it out. If you have an iPhone, your Wyze Watch notifications won’t work if you have notification previews set to none for any given app. So, if you go to messages you either have to set previews to always or “when unlocked” for them to work. After I made those changes, her Watch started pumping notifications right away.

Wyze would really add that to their troubleshooting guide for notifications on iOS devices.