Wyze Garage Door Controller - First Impression

I simply can’t generate sufficient paranoid to worry about someone entering my garage with or without Alexa or whatever. Maybe I should worry, but there’s enough elsewhere to carry on my shoulders.


I agree, I’m in the same boat. :+1: I figure that if someone wants in my house that badly, they’re getting in through a window anyway, or some other easier way. I don’t need Fort Knox, just inconvenience with enough deterrents (cameras, sensors, lighting, etc) that it’s not worth their time when there are easier pickings.

As for myself, I want the convenience of being able to easily open my own garage, while it remains at least somewhat less convenient for others to do so. :slight_smile:

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Garage door controller will open door but not close it. Suggestions?

When you trigger the button to close are you presented with the count down timer and the strobe or does nothing happen at all?

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The count down times starts and the strobe blinks then the door starts to close and it stops. It’s almost as if someone or something is blocking the safety sensors at the bottom of the door opening. So I disconnected these and tried again. Still the same.

Have you tried recalibrating it? No idea if that will make it a difference. But after checking the safety sensors, that’s the next thing I would try. I’d assume it’s not the sensors, as the door would reverse and open all the way if they were triggered. If it’s just stopping, then I’m assuming it’s another issue.

Also - how far does it go before stopping? Is it possible the close limit settings on the motor need to be readjusted?

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What is the controller firmware version you are currently on?

Test with your regular button. Open the door, then press and hold the button for two whole seconds and see if it acts the same as the Wyze box does. Recent firmware made the press 2 seconds long.

I believe you saw this thread but linking here in case anyone else finds there way to this thread as a point of troubleshooting for anyone having this issue.

Tried this. Unfortunately this does not appear to be the issue. For good measure I disconnected the door safety sensors and still have the same issue with the Wyze controller

Tried this. Unfortunately this does not appear to be the issue. For good measure I disconnected the door safety sensors and still have the same issue with the Wyze controller

Just installed mine and it is working great! Does anyone know if there is a way to trigger the door to open when you get within a certain distance?

Hi @bryanbuck

This capability does not exist today. But there is a wishlist item for it. Give it a vote!

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Ok I will!

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What about opening/closing with Alexa?

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Well, as you know the Wyze GDC does not have Alexa. Someone says its coming.

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Yes, there is. I don’t have the skill set to perform the trigger hack.

If you look around, here and via Google, for the Sonoff SV version of a Dry Relay, and then add the hack. The hack was/is posted on Github. I had it, but I could not get in my head the method for performing the Tasmoto firmware change. The firmware adds a WiFi geofence feature. I can’t explain it beyond that. Sorry, but the techique does exists. As I recall now, there was a YouTube video by someone that performed. Sorry, I know this is a half-fast explanation for your requirement. I simply wanted to re-enforce for you, that you are not dreaming up something impossible. Its been done.

I’ll spend some time trying to find more references for this for you guys.

WYZE TEK support says Alexa it’s coming, but that’s been a while . Funny thing is that their door lock works with Alexa, you simply give it the pin # when asked. Works like a charm. I don’t know what their hang-up is. Keep needling them.

@R.Good , @carverofchoice, @WildBill, any/some of you guys that have the Wyze GDC should check out this app tool “LiveKey”. Its capable of engaging GeoFencing on My Q GDCs. And its also has Wyze as one of its partners. Maybe the Wyze GDC will pop up as a choice after the service is linked. Cameras do not, but other Wyze stuff does. I am guessing the controller in GDC will even though the camera does not.