Wyze Finally Works With Google Assistant!

Same thing with me. Thanks

Yes they do have a compatibility issue where WYSE is not working with google video streaming . That is exactly the Problem and I had followed this since last year ! Other brands donā€™t have the issue ! Donā€™t let Wyze shift the focus to google !

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The focus is both, there are issues on both sides, it was working for a bit but had tremendous lag, WYZE is implementing WebRTC to fix that, there is also an issue on Googles end, that they have acknowledged and are looking into. I am not saying WYZE has no fault in this I am just saying there is more.

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100 percent on WYSE side ! This has been going on for one and half. Why do other products work ? Why does WYSE use a different interface that is not compatible with the google steaming ? Please look at the history of this thread .

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What You state is not true with every WYZE User I had no problems streaming wyze cams on My google assistant until about 2 months ago. So they did work for some of us with little problems Until Integration was done.

No oneā€™s forcing you to use Wyze, Since there are so many other options, use those until this is fixed, or wait. Eventually it will be resolved. Or go start a class action which will be a lot of pain for 2-3 dollars and potentially shuttering a company thatā€™s doing awesome things.

If wyze will refund 5 of a year old cameras, I will be more than happy to purchase other cams which work no problem with Google home display. I simply canā€™t understand how wyze still advertise these cams are compatible with Google even though they know they have big compatibility issue. No one forces me to use wyze cams? Hahaā€¦ If they refund me I will not use it gladly. But I already invested in their cams, so I donā€™t think you can say that. Only mistake I made was I tusted wyze.

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Sell them, then you can move on graciously. People buy them all the time.

Arev you going to buy them paying me the same amount I paid originally? Why should I take a loss due to wyzeā€™s fault? On eBay, I will be lucky if I can get half of what I paid after all the fees and shipping. .


No, bahaha. I just tested it out today in my google hub Max and itā€™s working again. I had to relink, then it started working.

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Google does not have a compatibility issue with othersā€¦others have a compatibility issue with Google. Dude, I know you love Wyzeā€¦but come on. The fanboi syndrome is strong with this one.


This did work when I first got my cameras, but broke around a year ago.

I have moved on from WYZE. Not because this was broken, but because this has been broken for so long. The lazy/lack of responses and accountability made me question the companyā€™s service, support, and morals.

Nobody wanted to acknowledge the issue, especially WYZE. I offered to send videos of the problem (back when we were all being told it works) and nobody cared.

Anyway, WYZE works with Alexa on Show 1st gen, 2nd gen, Show 5, Show 8, Fire TV, and Echo Spot.

Doesnā€™t work with Google on my Nest Hub or Nest Hub Max, and hasnā€™t for about a year. Which is truly unacceptable.

Am I upset I bought 4 cameras that I no longer use, sure. The thing is though, because the way this has been handled, that will be the last 4 WYZE cameras I ever purchase.


No matter what they do You can not make every customer happy [mod edit] You stated if they gave You 5 bucks You would quit using them [mod edit] Some of us or Most of us actually like WYZE [mod edit]

MOD NOTE: Post edited to conform to the Community Guidelines.

[mod edit]. Are you wyze employee?

MOD NOTE: Post edited to conform to the Community Guidelines.

Only users whose usernames start with ā€œWyzeā€ are Wyze employees. Nobody else, including the moderators, are Wyze employees.

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If everyone used this logic, nothing would ever get fixed with any product from any company. Are we supposed to sit idly by while companies make false claims about their products luring unsuspecting customers into making purchases they will soon regret? What are these support forums for if not to voice issues?

And before all the Wyze Guys pounce on the ā€œfalse claimā€ claimā€¦we can all agree that Wyze cams do not work with Google Assistant, so until they do, Wyze should remove the claim from their advertisements.


When did I say about $5??? what are you talking about? I guess that you were confused with 5 wyze cameras I have. It is not $5. Read correctly please.

Relinked wyze to google and streaming to home hub is working again. Still loads pretty slow though.

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My notifications are down to about one hour. Thieves have a chance to come in, rob the place, have lunch, watch some tv and leave.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one.

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