Wyze Cam v3 Now Available! - 10/27/20

I looked in the specs and the FAQ, but didn’t see it listed: What is the max size microSD card it can use?

The V3 needs to be at the end of the line.


In the youtube review video by “Lifehackster” he successfully loads the V3 stream on an alexa device as well as a google hub.

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Not true. Current is only used as needed, excess current is simply not used. You could have a 100-amp adapter and it would still only use what it needed.


They still only recommend 32 GB. Someone will test higher capacities I’m sure.


officially 32…unofficially i have it running on a 128 gb card with no trouble for over a year on a V2.


OK, but you couldn’t use a higher amperage adapter to expand the daisy chain capacity. that much is true. I think.

I don’t know the limit of pass thru, but I would expect a direct connection with little limit other than the wire size.

were the specs pre-released to select accessory manufacturers so that items like TPU covers and specialized mounts could be delivered to market faster or will we have to wait until they get a hold of cameras before we see those products?


As an alternative to daisy-chaining, I don’t see why a Micro USB Female to 2 Micro USB Male Splitter Cable (search Google / Amazon) wouldn’t work for the v3.


He edited post to say on a V2

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26 posts were split to a new topic: Wyze Cam V3/Google Assistant Integration

unless you upsize your power adapter to more than 1A, that doesn’t do anything. You are still just drawings 0.9A from the adapter, just not through daisy chaining. If your adapter had, say 2A, then this approach could lead to 4 cams via 2x 2 cam daisy chains off of a single power source.

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If the v3 only draws ~.4A then you can probably run two on a single factory power adapter with the splitter cable.

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I don’t see why not the V3 runs perfectly off of a V2


I get what you are saying. The original question dealt with the fact that the new model is end of daisy chain only and that, like V1 & V2, the factory 1A power adapter only gets you to 2x cameras (daisy chain or splitter). Your splitter approach opens up to larger power adapters which could permit for more units on a single power source.

My point above though was that via a daisy chain approach, you are limited to 2x cameras, independent of your power supply. This is based on the fact that I truly doubt Wyze installed circuitry that would allow for a high amperage pass thru to the subsequent cameras.

We are on the same wavelength, just different perspectives.

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People keep saying it doesn’t stream to Google, but IT DOES stream on Google/Nest Hubs. Go watch the V3 reviews such as by Lifehackster. It took 16 seconds to load. Let it go.

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@UserCustomerGwen, Will the v3 camera still be able to record “motion only” clips to the SD card (as well as continuous?). If so, will the “motion only” recording clips work work just like they did on the previous cameras (i.e., record as long as motion is present?)

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Yes, Yes
SD card recordings work just like the V2


not being greedy (seriously) but is that it for new releases for awhile? Or is there going to be a continued flood of new toys?