Wyze app failing to run on iPad 2nd gen

Please let us know how you got it to operate again.

Seems like today’s update resolved an issue. It is working fine on iPhone 4s.


Thanks! I installed the update and now my old iPad is again running the WYZE cam software.


Wow, Fantastic. It does seem a little laggy in screen command response but it is acceptable. There is a 4 second delay from viewing the camera from other screens such as my television, but that too is acceptable. Thanks Wyze.

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Thanks for the information. I now have my iMac running Bluestacks and Wyze. I also able to get it to run on my iPad because of your post. Thank You!

That is a wise way to do it. The iMac’s security ware will protect the outdated firmware of the old iPad. The iPad just operates as a second monitor. I run it that way on my television in a Picture-in-Picture screen down in the corner of the main screen. Thanks for sharing.

Here we go again! It was working for the past month or so, now we’re instantly crashing again. WTF.

And all this talk of using a desktop and remote viewing software is non helpful. The point is not to implement all these garbage workarounds. Just fix it!

Happy new year…I have an iphone 6 that doesn’t run the Wyze app and an ipad pro that does…Seems to me the older hardware is being left behind so why not simply release an older hardware app with the disclaimer attached it doesn’t have the security and features of the latest shiny software…That way at least everyone could access their cameras and recordings…Just a thought.

Why would anyone want to run the camera on an outdated non-secure device? It is not Wyze that would entertain that idea for you but the makers of the device…Apple. Apple will not allow any program that it could maintain as secure. It may longer be supported by the firmware as well. Heritage devices get that way once they can no longer play by the current modern rules. It’s time to get a newer device. Doesn’t have to be new, just in a generation that will support the app. Apple Store will tell you which Os is required. I suggest a used iPad 6.