View On PC/Browser (Windows / Mac / Chromebook)

Mobile devices only at the moment, it is something we are looking into, just no timeline currently!

Just wanted to add my request for a desktop app. Would be really handy! Also, are there any plans for a doorbell related camera like Ring? Both of these applications would really work to increase your customer base.

Great product! Really am appreciating mine.

<span style=“color: #000000; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, sans-serif;”>Add my request for a desktop app also</span>

BlueStacks is great. Now able to have all three Wyzecam’s on one laptop screen. Not perfect, sometimes the multiple instances hang but overall an okay solution for my needs. Laptop in use has i7 processor and 8gb memory and works hard to keep it all running but it does work. Recommend powerful PC if running more than one instance. YMMV

Desktop app, please!

Plus One for Web Access

I just tried this and it doesn’t seem to want to connect to the cameras. I can log in and see my 2 cameras, but once I click to view one, it just sits at (1/3).

Any suggestions?

Definitely need web acess to go along with this super camera. Great job. Thanks

A BIG THANKS to OMJ. Bluestacks worked fine for me.

+1 for desktop app please

would love a desktop app


Be aware there are concerns with bluestacks. I do not claim to understand all the concerns (some are obvious) but there are enough for me to not use. Especially since they have been around for years. I did a couple of quick searches, read some of the concerns… didn’t see one place where the company addressed any of them.

This is a post for Nox app player to block the unwanted stuff…

I may try this one as a work around

Tiny Cam Pro in the Google play store allows you to view on your PC.There are posts in other threads that show how to do it.


+1 for pc app/web access

using bluestacks or anything so shady is NOT what I want to do, especially in this day and age.

God knows what the app is trolling for on your PC. Or what it sends back to the motherland.

AND… there is no way one can install this on a WORK pc safely.

I don’t care if a desktop app only lets you view one camera. one is better than NONE.

So, +1,000,000 for a true, reliable/stable/safe desktop app.

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Same issue with me, at home on my W10 machine and at work on my W7 desktop. Bluestacks runs great, I can see my other cams on it, but Wyze app only shows the cameras icons and when trying to view, it just loads forever, no video.

Interesting! I’ve been using Bluestacks at work to run the IP Cam Viewer program, for years. I monitor numerous different cameras, some wired, some WiFi, and so far, the android app is the only way I can see them all on one screen. I have to accept free game installs from time to time, in order to keep the free version of Bluestacks, but have had zero issues with it.

Why do you think it’s “shady”?

+1 for Desktop View

<span style=“color: #000000; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, sans-serif;”> add my request for a desktop app</span>