View On PC/Browser (Windows / Mac / Chromebook)

It has been perfectly accurate for me and possibly the best addition to date in my opinion.
That said, PC viewing is a must!

Yes, I voted a long time ago.

I agree the wyze camera has the fewest false alerts. I get maybe 1 or two a day and sometimes none. Usually it is due to a fly or when transitioning to night vision rather than hundreds of false alerts from my other non wyze cams. But we will see in mosquito season if the ai can ignite them.

Does anyone else agree that there should be either a web client or a downloadable (for both mac and windows) program that allows us to view our cameras without having to be on our phone?

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It’s a great camera, refreshing the screen on my cell phone is PITA, please let us view on a hi res monitor to enjoy the beautiful picture.

There are many people that agree, almost 2000 so far, but they look at many things other than votes. Hopefully one day they get it done, until then there are workarounds. They are still a fairly small company and have to prioritize how they see fit and that many times is not how every customer thinks it should be.


Access on a Windows browser would be a godsend for the Millions of clients

If I could have access to Wyze cameras via a web interface, I would likely purchase a hundred of these. They would be great for monitoring our classrooms and meeting spaces, especially with motion sensing at night.

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I downloaded a program called “TinyCam” from Playstore for my TV box. I was surprised to see it allows for both type of WyzeCams. I now have my camera on the TV.

This is 100% needed and should be supported.

Just up-voted this issue. Have been playing with two Wyze Cams and they’re marvelous little toys. But absent some serious investment in fundamental system integration features such as direct PC connectivity and application development support, I fear Wyze Cam will be nothing more than a toy for noobs. And have about as long a lifetime. Fun to play with until the next shiny thing comes along.

Mr Myers - You can enable RTSP to use in your own applications.

I have decided to stop buying any more cams until they provide a PC app. Adding money to a company that I to believe will fail long-term, because of the lack of providing what the customers want most makes no sense.
What I don’t understand is why the hiring of one PC developer/programmer to work on this is such a big deal. This would NOT impact the existing development already in the works. Where did the $20 million investment go?

I am fully stopping buying anymore wize cameras until they give a PC option. It is clear they don’t care. Been watching this feed for a bit now.

I have to disagree that they don’t care.

As much as we would like to see the PC app. U have to remember everyone is addicted to their smartphone or their tablet. The average consumer will only buy a product if it works with their phone or tablet… so the 1% of us that want a PC app is insignificant to the company…

Except that 1% also likely controls ~90% of potential revenue. Catering to average consumers only proves the original point. The Wyze Cam will soon add to consumers’ clutter of useless toys .My son and grandson both have a box full of the stuff.

As a entrepreneurial outfit, Wyze shareholders had best fine tune their sell-it-all-now trigger finger for a swift and profitable exit. I did in a different context. Apologies for sounding so crass and derisive, but having worked in (and made my own money of off) Silicon Valley ventures, the pattern is unmistakable.

Cute toy. Not a market-durable solution. Perhaps that all they wanted.

PC’s are becoming obsolete if we can do more with our phones and tablets.

I’m pretty sure not (e.g. NUCs) but such is off-topic.

Really? I’m chained to 2 pc’s all day long. I’m a big skeptic about everything but I have to say I like Wyze very much; however, a pc-based viewing solution is very necessary.

I can’t for the life of me understand why your company is totally ignoring so many users request for a Windows App.
You are now very successful and worth millions of $ all due to your devoted users. I have about 30 of your products and would like to monitor/control the smart devices on my Surface touchpad. I have Nightowl cameras for my outdoor requirements and use the Windows App for them.
Starting to get discouraged with Wyze for this one reason and selling off all my products and using other brands.