View On PC/Browser (Windows / Mac / Chromebook)

Web Browser View Finally! Now can you support Wyze Cam Outdoor?
I’d be happy with a screen cap every 15 seconds dont need streaming video


This is awesome :slight_smile: thank you Wyze this means I can keep an eye on my front door from my garden office without having to keep my phone on

my Wyze doorbell just spins and spins but all my other cameras work perfectly :slight_smile:

They announced they are working on supporting the [wired] doorbell, stay tuned!

I did this too, and it worked great until the battery exploded.

Check the back of your tablet for signs of warping, tablets aren’t mean’t to be left on all the time.

Please get the Live View working with Firefox 94.0.2 64-bit Windows 10! The events work fine!

The web view is not working with Firefox. A feature that would be good to add is a default rotation for each camera. I have a camera that is mounted 90°. This can be done simply with the web page CSS to rotate on the image display on the page.

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Anyone else have a hell of a time trying to log in on Safari? The 2FA code that gets sent to me never works on the first try, I have to always request a new code…then I get an error screen, but then reloading that page brings me in.

Very excited for this feature to finally come to fruition.
We are using Wyze cams all around our factory. I think have about 24 cameras deployed with more to come. I have SD cards in every camera and they are all Cam+ subscribed.

My 2 cents after about 10 minutes of use:

  1. Would like to view multiple cameras at once and input a specific date/time in history to jump to keeping all cameras synced? That would be super cool.
  2. Would be awesome for pc version to allow groups of 4 or 6 cams (which it does now) no wasted white space between cams, but then scrolling between groups or specific cameras every XX seconds.
  3. On top of those requests the ability to quickly/easily record snippets of simultaneous cameras. Currently I have to find the specific time which is very tedious if it’s more than 24 hours in the past, then record individual snippets from each camera.

Thank you for hearing us and moving this initiative forward.

Why have to relog period?

I can verify I’m using Safari (on an M1 MacBook Air) and had no problems – in the same breath, I do not have 2FA turned on.

They have a 99 cam 99 Cam license for 99$ a year.

@gingerbreadx Interesting. Must be related to 2FA then, because it happens to me both on Intel and M1 Mac on Safari.

I would’ve been way more impressed with this feature from Wyze had I not just yesterday got the same using camera.UI on Homebridge.

Perhaps a little better because they long ago solved the 2FA issue, from what I gather anecdotally – and I note that my doorbell video feed is being published 90º counterclockwise from Wyze directly, That’s another thing they’ve solved with commands to correct the feed.

If you were keen to check out the same while leaving 2FA on, check out Docker Wyze Bridge with Camera.UI – I’ve got mine going through a Raspberry Pi but there’s nothing that arrangement contributes to it particularly so could work in other methods.

That is great news that is now in live beta mode. I have 4 cameras working and 3 that are not being supported yet. I am very excited about this development and knowing that the Wyze team is working very hard at making this a success. Good luck Wyze!

@UserCustomerGwen Can you please verify / correct the following assumption regarding webview vs RTSP…

I assume the following:
Webview - sends video up to the cloud, then back down to the viewing PC (i.e. uses internet bandwidth)
RTSP - sends video from camera to the viewing PC (i.e. does not use internet bandwidth)


I am very happy this feature is coming along. I am able to go in and view events, but even dough I have cam plus, I cannot view the live streams.


I’ve been Beta Testing the Live View options on my PC Browser (Chrome), using Wyze Cam 2 with Cam Plus Subscription. See my current live view attached. So far this feature is GREAT! A little “amature” feeling right now, however I know the UI will improve and more features will be added. What I like about this option is that I can now set up a security room with display screens showing live cam views instead of relying on my IOS app all the time. 4/5 STARS so far!

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I’m unable to get them to load. They cameras just spin for a long time and eventually just go dark. I have no issues viewing in app.

EDIT - Same thing happens in both Chrome and new Edge.

Try logging in and viewing it from Chrome, to isolate if it’s a browser or other issue.

It is working when I’m at the location and on the same WiFi, but remote cameras seem to just hang?