Unable to load monitoring settings

Yeah, this is a pretty awful issue and shocking that they haven’t resolved it after several weeks. Home security is all about reliability and peace of mind and this destroys all faith in those two things.


A fascinating aspect of this ordeal is that I continue to get emails from them offering bargain prices on new items. I personally believe that they should be focusing on their existing customers and the existing problem rather than pushing new items. But that’s just my opinion and I know that people have to make a living.

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Equally surprising is the ongoing “press” coverage with glowing reviews of a non-working security system, with no mention of all the problems.

All of us complaining here does not seem to make a difference. I have just twitted using the #wyzecam tag explaining the issue. Hopefully if it gets out there they will take it more seriously.

Agreed. I am not a social app user but encourage others to give more visibility to this item. Makes one wonder if Wyze is really interested in being in the Home Security hardware business. I have no idea what their revenue stream looks like in any agreement with Noonlight they have. Whatever it is, it is in jeopardy it would seem to me.

Just confirming this is still broken on iOS 15.2. :pensive:

yeah, I didn’t even think about it when updating earlier. I am 99.9% sure it needs an Wyze app update to fix the issue, it’s been a month since the last one.

I figured as much, too. Looks like the next app release candidate is still rolling out in beta per this post from a week ago, which says it will roll out over 2 weeks, which means public release is probably at least another 2 weeks from today. The beta release notes also don’t specifically mention this death screen bug fix. Fun.

was just tweeting to them, looks like it “could” be as early as the end of this week for the app update.

I would love to pass along your Support Ticket to our devs if you’re not seeing any resolution. The next app update is currently slated for the end of this week (but all of our updates are subject to pre-release QA, so TBD)

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I had enough of their support.

I have signed up for ADT.

They are in early stages of product maturity. I even told them development manager and IT Services Director need to find new jobs.

So what I can read, the Sense Hub firmware we all were hoping was the fix, wasn’t. And the next app update could be a few weeks. Wow the programmer who broke this should e looking for another job honestly. Why not roll back the software to a previous version so customers can regain confidence in the company?

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Yep, that’s about right. But Wyze told someone on Twitter that an app update could come as soon as this week.

I was playing around with it yesterday and I will test this more when I get home but it doesn’t seem to be an issue on their beta testing app. Fingers crossed


If anyone wants to confirm/deny this: Become a Beta Tester – Wyze

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Ill give it a try

I received an email today saying

“The Wyze app issues caused by the Amazon Web Services (AWS) outage have been fully resolved.
Now you can use the Home Monitoring tab in the Wyze app as before.”

Is it about this issue?

I could be wrong but as best I could tell that was not directly related to this. When AWS was not having an outage we were still experiencing this issue.

2nd what dima said.

So, that means not everybody is experiencing this issue. I am wondering what is common for all of us then? I had a power outage on November 25th, and I guess, the problem started after this, as I had to reinstall the service. I did not notice the issue at that time tho.

Confirmed the beta app appears to have fixed this month long issue.

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