Single in-app option to change home wifi password

As someone who changes their wifi password periodically, I do not understand why a factory reset is required for all bulbs on the network. This is crazy to me. The network is secure, the app is password protected. I want to add these bulbs to most rooms around the house but I am now reconsidering.

For example, my bedroom has four bulbs in a group that I program to come on each morning, off when I leave the house and on again near my bed time. So, when I changed my wifi password, I had to

    1. Reset the bulbs with the light switch.
  1. Reconnect each separate bulb to the app.
  2. Recreate the group “Bedroom” for these bulbs.
  3. Recreate the sleep and wake timers I had for this group.
  4. Recreate the Google Home bedroom option for this group,

Now imagine doing that for several rooms, plus cameras plus thermostats. Crazy.


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