Service Advisory 11/14/20: Difficulty logging into the Wyze app and integrations not working

@Jace, I would hold off on installing until later. I would expect some delayed notifications from during the outage.

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Yes, same stuff.

Currently my sensor rules do not appear to be working. I first noticed this about an hour ago when I opened a door with a contact sensor and the bulbs set up to turn on when the door opens did not come on. I know Wyze is on the case so I expect all will be back to normal shortly.


If Wyze sold their cheap & unreliable hardware as “cheap & unreliable”, they wouldn’t get very far would they?
But if one does some research (these days), one would find, for instance, that Reddit has identified this company as sellers of absolutely second rate Chinese tech toys-which is exactly what they are. But that’s not what they advertise, hence the aggravation of people who are currently locked out of their houses in the cold because they trusted this company’s bs ad copy.

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Most of my sensors and all of my lights are still offline. what is your recommended fix. Wait & see or do you have something constructive that we can test?

THEN STOP BUYING WYZE! If you don’t like the company or the product, [mod edit]. Reddit isn’t a source of verifiable information, it’s open source opinion, isn’t a broad swath of consumers and should not be used as means to judge anything. If you don’t share that opinion and feel that Reddit is the end all be all, then leave. Go to ebay and sell your Wyze stuff to others and be done with it. [mod edit]

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I’d recommend waiting for a bit. Our system is catching up to everything that happened during the outage so they should come back later. If they don’t, you can power cycle them after I give the all-clear.

Also, crimez’s frustration makes sense. I think that this back-and-forth won’t be very productive for either of you especially given that we’re recovering from an outage at this point.


That’s the thing, Crimez’s frustration makes sense. I think we are all frustrated, but that is not what he/she is expressing. He is expressing opinions about the overall quality and performance of Wyze in general. He is expressing that he doesn’t like the company and quite frankly as someone who purchased 4 Wyze Cam v1s in the day, have purchased every product other than the three that don’t do me any good, I can’t see why someone who doesn’t like Wyze is here making comments in the first place.

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Even if you only use their product to see if garbage has been picked up yet, you still bought into the quality they claim to have.
We are no fools in thinking we can offset any care giving responsibility for a few hundred dollars worth of cameras, and I get things fail. Just copied this off their homepage: We’re changing how home monitoring works. Think smart home + security.
They don’t say “hey come to us to buy some cheap crap you can see stuff with”.
My personal gripe is the error appears to be a log in error on the user end, when it’s not. It is Wyze responsibility to convey that information. they do advertise their products for security usage such as door entry, etc. Rather than having every person who bought any device from them resetting passwords, logging into online accounts, joining a forum etc, one simple auto email would have sufficed. My limited professional IT experience says when making a change, create a back up restore point, implement the change, if failure occurs then you can revert very quickly and assess the failure for a future roll-out.


We welcome feedback even when it isn’t fun. It’s important for us to have a barometer. But telling someone that they’re wrong usually doesn’t change their mind and, as shown here, usually makes both parties frustrated without an actual resolution. We appreciate your support but please stop poking at them. :slight_smile:


11/14/20 6:27 PM PT - Our system is working as expected and we are working through the backlog of requests that occurred during the outage. We currently expect that to be fully resolved in around an hour. Thank you again for your patience.


On the locking out thing. I understand and sympathize with those in that condition. I don’t think you are one of them, so why sit here and use their pain to attempt, ham-handedly to make your point. I do have something to say about smart locks and what they are and what they aren’t though. My Wyze lock is not my first venture down this path. I had a Kevo Gen 1 and well… it didn’t work as advertised and I used my key more than the smart lock. I then went with an August Gen II and it worked well but had some issues with torque and actually locking my door.

All of that said, I come from some experience here. A smart lock is NOT a 1-to-1 replacement of your keys. You are trading convenience for risk. I am not excusing Wyze here, but anytime you put your access/security completely in the hands of electronics, especially IoT electronics, you take a risk that they won’t work exactly when you need them to. When this happens, that convenience you bout that device for is gone and rage ensues. For ANYONE considering a smart lock, whether it be Wyze or another company, understand the limitations of the device, what the worst case scenario is and if you are willing or capable of dealing with that scenario when it happens. If you are not willing, then stick with the reliable mechanical approach.

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That’s just wonderful. I have another 30$ camera from amazon and it never encountered any problem. It’s night vision is much better and no need to pay for any features as well. Saw this Wyze cam and thought it could be an upgrade to link to my google assistant but no. The app interface is lacking, and now it is down for the whole day. I should have just bought a cheaper one and not have these headaches. A simple email to all would have been nice. Save us from all resetting passwords, reinstalling the app, googling online how to resolve then finally finding this thread. I’m sure some people are still trying to figure out what is going on and still have no clue.

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I’m not saying that Wyze doesn’t make claims. They do. I personally feel that Wyze fulfills my security needs (current outage aside), but what I am pointing out is the difference between my needs and yours. Yours appear to be of a critical nature, something that an outage or glitch could put someone in danger or cause harm. In those situations, I would never put my faith in Wyze (sorry), because I don’t feel that they are reliable or durable enough to meet those needs.

On the restore point comment. That makes sense and it is a reliable method, but it isn’t always a quick process. Restoration of a system, especially if you go ground-up (not saying that is what happened here), can take a long time.

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[mod edit] you who enable shoddy product sales by playing “let’s give these nice people the benefit of the doubt” while sucking up on forums instead of asking hard questions & pointing fingers. Who knows? Maybe your blind product loyalty will get you a free scale that only weighs in metric on odd days, or a house lock that randomly doesn’t work because of misconfigured backend server settings. Lucky you.

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But poking them is so much fun… I get what you are saying, but it’s really not me defending Wyze. I think you guys have issues (you’ve had them for awhile), but I don’t see how incessant complaining serves crimez’s purposes. It doesn’t help anyone. If you are here on the forums it’s because you want support for your devices. If [Mod Edit] you appear to not like the company or any of the devices, you are counterproductive to the conversation.


No, I’m [Mod Edit] tired of their gear not working right. It’s not like this is an isolated incident, it speaks to a greater issue: They’re too busy releasing new products to keep the ones they’ve already released, working reliably.
It’s very simple.

MOD NOTE: Post edited to conform to the Community Guidelines.


It is very simple. There you are correct. Stop buying Wyze, buy something else and stop posting to the Wyze forums. Just that simple.

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You say “working as expected” at 6:27PM PT; however, we still have several devices that can’t login to the app. Another outage for us. This is becoming way too frequent.