Remote Live Stream nearly impossible today

Turn on VPN on your phone or device. This is a current fix until the real problem is discovered.

I am having the same experience also. More misses them hits.

Tried with VPN nordvpn still not working.

Vpn not fixing it for me.

I live Montreal Canada so I guess considered east. I have no idea what vpn is lol so I didnt try that. I do connect now 90% of the time on LTE but noticed it doesnt stay connected so I am guessing there are still server issues. Wifi is not an issue at all. Its to bad the server didnt send an alert when it went down to the staff at Wyze. Would save agravration. I am surprised that it didnt . I tried to send log and I thank those that sent link but then I had to add a few things they asked and i didnt know what to answer. It definately was a poor introduction to Wyze. Only connected since saturday. I agree with others more info and alerts should have been posted so people dont waste time thinking the problem is their end.

spoke to soon. its not connecting again. obvious server issues still.

Can download the Wyze Tool and submit the logs to Wyze?


I can’t connect to any of my V2’s…well I could connect to one but then I did the firmware upgrade and now it’s broken. I really want to like these cams but you make it REALLY difficult to recommend them to anyone with all the major outages you have.

V2 connects…slow, but connects…Cam Pan is hit and miss for live streaming (Bell Canada as well).

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The latest V2 update is taking longer to load than most for some cameras. Please see the announcement on the support page.

Check that…still hit and miss on the V2…no dice on the Cam Pan at all remotely…all live streaming works within the network 100% of the time.

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I am having much better luck this morning, both over LTE and my corporate wifi. However, it’s still early and I had better luck earlier in the day than later over the last couple days. Not sure if some issues are capacity or load related. We’ll see how things progress.

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I’m having no issues connecting, which is a plus. I am getting some dropped packets, which is no biggie.

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@shmoe723 No, Belen…I have been brewing under that name far longer than them :wink:

Ah, the most common problem in the brewery world, it seems. All the names are taken.

sorry for being off topic…

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Has anyone tried the following yet? 1. rebooting, resetting all your cameras, including taking out the SD card, treating them as if brand new??? 2. uninstalling the APP and reinstalling it as if you just got it??? Just wondering if that might help, before I maybe try that.

I wanted to send an update. I am live streaming today and I am noticing a bit of dropped packets and the ability to communicate via the V2 is almost impossible. The weirdest thing is if I record directly to my local storage on my phone from the app, there is absolutely no issues and can see everything smoothly and clearly as well as hear as normal. But when in live view mode, its laggy, jumpy, and the audio is hit and miss. Network on my side if fine after testing and as the recording from live view to my phone is flawless.

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I’m still having great success today. Any issues I’m seeing, frozen picture for a few seconds and the like, I’d blame on simple network latency either at my home or local to my phone’s network. Good news is I’m able to remotely connect to all my cameras today. (so far…)

Yeah I was fine this morning and I have been running network diagnostics on my network for past 48 hours. My network has been about 95% stable. I can see the times second by second but the actual image and audio is very choppy.