Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)

Wyze has been perfectly forward and transparent with their direction and goals with the product.

If you think it’s such a “lousy company” why are you even here? Professional troll?


There was no bait and switch, it was the 3rd party company handling the person detection that made the change, not Wyze. Not only that, but person detection wasn’t even a feature until recently, not when I bought my cameras, and it will be back and still free.

I do agree that RTSP or ONVIF is an important feature in a camera for many and opens the door to a lot of possibilities. However, RTSP wasn’t advertised in the cameras so in this case it’s a bonus added due to Wyze listening to customers here.

You would be hard pressed to find another camera with Wyze’s video quality and all the features it has at the price they sell it for. In addition to that, in my opinion, through these forums, Wyze has shown that they work very hard to address customer problems and even requests for new features (like RTSP). Certainly more than many other companies that sell cameras anywhere close to this price point. Is it perfect? no, nothing is, especially when dealing with the huge amount of possible variables in home networks out there.

Are there any updates to the RTSP firmware inbound? The stream currently stutters with motion, for example cars driving down a street. Is anyone else experiences issues with the RTSP stream stuttering with motion?

Yes. It’s not fluid smooth motion. It drops out from time to time, especially with lower signal strength and/or interference.

You’ve got a point there.

Actually, from day one there was an issue without having a viewing option online. Rtsp came up because a lot of more tech guys could do work arounds until a online solution comes. So instead of working on an online solution, they threw together a crappy rtsp. So now they created a new issue instead of solving the original. Which I remind all is still the highest voted item and still marked “MAYBE LATER” and I also remind everyone, many other companies already have online viewing so nobody is creating a ‘never been done’ option. Also cams were the 1st 2nd and 3rd product released… Instead of improving them we get bulbs, locks, sensors, plugs, etc etc So in general, what we vote on means diddily squat. That’s just my opinion so please hold your attacks to a min. Excercising my right to vent.



Am I correct in thinking RTSP is marked as launched because there is a fork which supports RTSP?

Is it possible this fork could be integrated with mainline to simplify setup?

I like RTSP as it is standard and can integrate with other software solutions/processing pipelines.

It cannot be integrated because it lacks the space to have both versions on the cam. It is however marked as launched because of the fork that supports it.


This is why you shouldn’t waste your time with Wyze cameras. Such bad business decisions with an industry standard. Every one else uses it.

In my opinion it is not a waste of time, the cameras do what I want them to do. If I wanted RTSP I would have gone with something that supported that in ways I want.
One thing I do like is customers made known they would like RTSP and the company listened and gave it to them in the form they could.
When I found WYZE while I was looking for a camera solution I did my research and found I could do what I wanted to do with these cams. I also really liked how they listened to and interacted with the customer base.
Since then they have come out with new products that I have added to my ecosystem. There are things they have not done yet that i would like but nothing that to me is a deal breaker

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The WYze cams still worked for me, but I was disappointed with the rtsp feature; not enough frames per second for my needs. While Trying out the beta firmware I saw frame rates of 3-15 max; but mostly to me it indicated the lack of resources to do the job. So I record to my 32gb microsdhc chip and save what I want manually. I’m not wanting to use cloud storage yet. I haven’t figured out why I don’t get email alerts anymore but not a big problem since my other cameras do email & text alert me anyway.

My issue is that using RTSP the cameras constantly freeze and see to lose internet connection, coming back up after a few minutes. They are constantly doing this. Even after a few beta releases, the same issue occurs. It is like the camera is trying to feed the frames requests it is getting, locks up, reboots and comes back up. If that issue could be resolved, they would be great.

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No, they don’t. The problem with claiming every one does it that you haven’t looked at every other camera in existence. In fact, it would be surprising if you’ve actually looked at even 10%. I’ve seen several that don’t offer RTSP. The other set of cameras (Zmodo) I have connected with an NVR don’t support it.

I’m sorry to hear person detection has to be removed and glad to see you’re already working on alternatives. I understand you’re now leaning towards a cloud-AI solution. This means the AI code doesn’t use the cam’s limited capacity anymore but it’s external to it, right?
@UserCustomerGwen, does this now give back the needed space for everyone to get RTSP as part of the main release? Thanks for making RTSP available but I haven’t used it, though I greatly support this, as I would not want to miss out on all other goodies the main release offers (e.g. AI).

I don’t think that’s necessarily accurate. There are a lot of advantages to keeping it on the camera, including cost. I think it’s just a matter of whether they have (or can hire) the expertise to build that with their internal team. If not, a cloud solution is probably easier to build, but not necessarily better. It would come with its own advantages and disadvantages. It’s still early days, so the course of action may not be totally determined yet.

I hope we could consider also the option to offload these AI processing on a hub/NVR/NAS, that way the camera could use all it resources to do its most important task, capturing and streaming video.

I thought this was the initial plan with the RTSP firmware; to have the bare necessities and configuration to make the camera compatible with most NVR, NAS and surveillance system software (BlueIris, Shinobi, ZoneMinder, etc…).

I think the RTSP firmware could be as simple as MotionEye and it would be fit for such setup.


Well, according to the recent post from wyze regarding person detection, “when we do re-roll out this feature (person detection) it will still be free for you - even if we end up using the cloud instead of edge-AI.”

That’s right. Earlier in the same post, they explained why they chose to implement on-camera AI, because it enabled them to provide the service for free, since there were no recurring server fees related to processing the video. Then, the portion that you posted explains that they’re exploring every option, and that regardless of what happens – even if they end up needing to do a cloud solution, which will cost them more money – it will continue to be free.

Good point. In any case, the point I want to make is that the person detection story will xnor can be an opportunity to deploy RTSP on every camera and get rid of the alternative releases. I find @Kaloy 's proposal above excellent.

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