Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)

@lootiejay, @aelsea, @MMediaman My reading is that aelsea is not getting what others are striving for - 8 action scenes at a time with RTSP. Or 8 live feeds being recorded at the same time.

My house in Mississippi, where I am now, is in a rural area. I pay for 7 Mbps and get a consistent 3.5 (sometimes but rarely up to 6.8) so bandwidth is important.

Thanks people for the resource data points.

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Thank you for the cogent answer. That was the question I asked in my original post and now I have an answer. As I said in my original post:
“What am I missing in this discussion? Is it the use of MotionEye?
I am I off topic?”
As you point out in your answer, the members of this forum are trying to do something that is beyond just running 8 cameras on RTSP.
Thanks again for a straight answer to my question.
When I get a chance, I’m going to install MotionEye and retest.

Lets be clear that its not " beyond just running 8 cameras on RTSP"; its having a reliable stream whether its for viewing only (surveillance), or recording (CCTV NVR). And the number of cams should only be limited by the network, not by weird unexplained things originating from the implementation.

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So is it safe to say that the dev’s are officially done with RTSP

I don’t think so since only about 15 days ago we saw this: Whats the current state of RTSP? - #4 by WyzeGwendolyn

But there is radio silence on this channel.

I think from a consumers viewpoint it’s safe to say Wyze wants to do many things, RTSP, NAS, SMB among them. But right now they are spread thin.

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Well maxdrive was cancelled so i think its a good opportunity to double down and get this right. My streams have still been consistent with MotionEye, 3 cams so far wanna get more. and unifi AC-Pro APs for wifi. I can probably tweak settings better. The report a tonnnn of traffic. like 10-15gb a day vs the non rtsp with around 100mb but i would expect that.

Also my motion eye is running on a vm with 4 cores and 12gb of ram. And google fiber


here is a video of Blue Iris running 4 cameras

No special settings.
All default settings.

The cameras do sometimes drop out for 5 seconds then come back on.
It is BETA FIRMWARE… so this is completely acceptable.
quit whining like an impatient child and wait for a “full release”.
gigidy… full release!

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“This video is unavailable”
Wouldn’t load.

link fixed

What part of BETA do people not understand?

These things take time.
And anyone complaining should learn to wait.

What bandwidth? How much memory is used?
I’ll probably put together a new box but my net is limited to about 5Mb :frowning:

Who’s complaining? I see people posting about things that don’t work as expected. Isn’t that what beta testing is all about? Furthermore the RTSP feature is a bit beyond beta as its in the main firmware.

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Statements from Wyze are that it is still beta.

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Understood. As @UserCustomerGwen has mentioned >> here . Lets just say its at a mature beta stage. Point is that I think we understand its still under development and just want to make sure that development is addressing the findings. So reporting/describing issues and making clear that not all is resolved yet is not complaining. Just a bit earlier in this thread you can see where someone had the incorrect impression all was well.


We appreciate the reports. :slight_smile:

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No one is whining like an impatient child. I am actually performing steps to assist in identifying problems that others as well as myself are having.

If my posts are a problem I am sure someone with authority will prevent me from posting, until then I will continue to report my findings and issues.

We’re not done with RTSP and we are appreciating your report, too.

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Hello. Sorry about the prolonged waiting time for an RTSP update.
We are in the final stage of testing to fix a few remaining bugs and a formal version will be available soon.
Thank you for your feedback in this thread and all the log files sent to us.
It is really helpful for development team.


I like it.
To me personally, stability is the most important factor. I use iSpy so I can do motion tracking, alerting and recording from the software. I just need a consistent feed. All the bells and whistles are useless if the camera goes off line every 15 seconds.

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