QR Code smudged/unreadable -how to get good QR code from MAC Address?

QR Code smudged/unreadable -how to get good QR code from MAC Address?

I’ve asked support but they keep giving instructions on how to scan QR code…
have sent the screen shot of unreadable QR. doesn’t seem they even read the email

Help. Thanks

These directions are for a V3 cam, what cam are you dealing with.


Useful info but doesn’t really answer his or her question?

(Whether the QRC can be reconstituted based on known MAC address.)

QRC isn’t mysterious so the encoding should be pretty straightforward?

Well since the QRC is on the app I don’t know how you can tell it is smudged/unreadable, they all look like that to me even if I put my glasses on. Maybe they didn’t take the film of the camera lens, wouldn’t be the first time that happened so a friend told me :rofl:

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Since the tag label used in the thread is “cam outdoor” I am guessing they mean the qr on the base, which is read by the phone.

And I don’t know how the recreate the qr code. Maybe the packaging that the outdoor kit came in has a copy of the we code on it? I dunno.

Well I agree, half the people post cam outdoor when they mean V3. I would of posted can’t scan QR code on the Base station!!! :upside_down_face:

I couldn’t do be wrong to. Gonna have to wait til the OP confirms and provides more info. :slight_smile: