Person Detection Update: A New Experiment for Premium Features

I got this notice too. I thought you would include some of the FAQ’s too, especially since they clarify some of the previous debate about whether it includes other devices or not. The FAQ pretty clearly agrees with you (clear to me anyway) that it only includes the V2’s and Pan Cams, not the WCO. No other devices are included in this option. I guess most of the other FAQ’s in that notice are similar to the FAQ’s added onto in the Original Post anyway.

It’s also only supposed to be an option available to people who had an account prior to Nov 26, 2019, which is apparently why some people aren’t able to do it like you said earlier. I was thinking anybody would be allowed to do this pay what you want program up until Oct 6th, but that if it failed and they had to undo it, they’d only guarantee free to anyone from before Nov 26th, but not to everyone else. I guess even the pay what you want is only available to those people.

What is the difference between this and Cam Plus?
This program only enables person detection for your 12-second alert videos. It enables it on all Wyze Cam v2s and Wyze Cam Pans. It adds a ton of value, but not what you would get with Cam Plus. Cam Plus not only includes person detection but also removes the 12-second recording limitation and the 5-minute cooldown period between recordings. It captures all motion and detects people while doing it. There are also more advanced features in the works that will be added over the next year. If that sounds like a better fit for what you need, you can sign up for Cam Plus here.

Who is qualified to sign up for 12-second person detection?
This opportunity is only available to Wyze users that created an account before November 26, 2019. Wyze users who created accounts after November 26, will not be able to see the 12-second person detection option in the list of available services. Users from before Nov. 26, 2019, qualify because we told them in an email on that day that when we launched our in-house person detection, it would be free. That was before we were hit with tariffs and COVID, and while this isn’t exactly what we had in mind back then, this program allows you to pay $0.

Why do I have to sign up before October 9?
We want to keep it simple. Having a defined time period that users can join helps us limit risk and accurately measure the results so that we can determine our next steps. We’re not going to be crazy strict on this, contact our support if you miss it by a few days or something.

What if volunteer contributions don’t cover the cost? What will happen to Person Detection for 12-second Event videos?
We don’t know yet. We are going to evaluate the results of this experiment after a few months and see if we have enough contributions to at least subsidize the cost. If it doesn’t work, we will come up with a new plan, but it is possible that free 12-second person detection will be discontinued.

But wait, why do I already have Person Detection?
If you already have Person Detection on your camera, you signed up to be a beta (pilot) tester. Beta testing for person detection is ending on October 9, after that date you will no longer have access to it without going through the official sign-up process.

Can I change the amount of my donation?
Yes, you can adjust it whenever you want|

Apparently, if this works out okay they may expand it or do something similar with other features instead of requiring set subscriptions for everything. In theory this is to allow those who can afford it to pay fairly, while those not as financially fortunate could still access features otherwise only available to those with more money. An interesting idea, though again, it means one group is subsidizing another, to someone is paying more than their “fair share” but on the other hand, they are probably still paying less than most other companies would typically charge for the same access.

It is an interesting idea…Wyze has an optimistic view of human nature…that enough people will be willing to subsidize others out of loyalty to the company and charity to those who are either needy or too selfish to pay. It will be interesting to see if they are right.


Yep it seemed crystal clear when you first posted the side by side screenshots. Thanks, I didn’t even notice they modified the FAQ.

I have no issue with paying for Person Detection but I’ve decided to just part with it on October 9th. The feature really never worked for me because my cameras are aimed toward a busy environment and I would receive too many false alerts. In my case birds at a feeder would set off Person Detection and I’d check the footage at work just to see…birds at a feeder. The feature did work most times but the false alerts are annoying enough to just part with the feature. I will always support Wyze as an early backer and I look forward to the doorbell if they ever get it into production. I hope they have a wireless version because I don’t have a doorbell transformer for the hardwired version.


sorry if these concerns have been answered:
If I opt in, is it tied to one camera? I have a few wyze cams and panos which are dead. I would not like to get pay what I decide for 5 of my 20? cameras and have another die if I can not transfer the pricing model to another one or a new one. I do not need person detection on all my cameras. As for long term storage, I am using sd cards. It would be nice if there was a pre-record “pre-roll” feature like the new Ring 3 doorbell. ( I do not subscribe to Ring and the capture quality is useless for identifying anyone. I would have bought a Eufy doorbell, but I only needed it for 3 months and the Ring was on clearance )
For version 3: it would be nice to have support for 128gb cards as they are not much more expensive than 32gb and 2K capture.

This legacy / grandfathered / experiment / Flo from Progressive name your price even if it’s free offer applies to ALL v2 and Pan Cams on your account, not per camera. Since you can change it, you can CHOOSE to pay more or less as you add or remove cameras, but you don’t have to. But they can also rescind or change this at any time if they decide enough people didn’t pony up.

That’s one of the downfalls of the Pay What You Want. No one knows when WYZE will pull the plug on it. There is no guarantee of long term service.
Remember, if they hadn’t pronised us that PD was going to be free they would not have implemented this at all. It’s not part of the WYZE business plan, if such a thing exists, but a stop gap.

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at least it won’t be as bad as when I paid for another year of Sunrocket and they went belly up a month later -
Ooma has been wonderful

Ha, I can beat yhat. :joy:
I’ve got >4K tied up in a Jamaican vacation that may never happen. Hoping the vendor stays in business long enough for a vaccine to come out.

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good luck with that, not getting on a plane this year

Why not? All that extra room with an unoccupied middle seat. And relaxing in a germ tube for several hours will beef up your immune system. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sunrocket! I still get spam to the dedicated address I gave ONLY to that crappy company. Worst tech experience of my life trying to use them for phone calls.

I can’t believe Ooma still exists. I never figured out their business plan either.

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I chose $0 because it was promised, and it’ll drive them to make needed software changes.

Allow users to only use local storage if they prefer. For local only users, remove 5 minute cool down since not using cloud storage. Push notification device IDs can be storaged on cameras, no need for cloud just for notifications. (And aren’t throttled).

Video clip can be sent directly to the users mobile device upon the received push notification instead of going to a cloud service. The mobile device can then store and analyze the clip. FOR FREE (would need that implemented as a background process to the wyze app). The device could even optionally bounce the clip to a users free cloud storage service like Dropbox or Google.

For anyone not happy with this design can sign up for the wyze cloud service method.

note: I added PD via this process but haven’t enabled it as I don’t have the need for it currently

$1.00 per month is not really unreasonable. The problem is including something with a purchase and then deciding not to include and charge for it when it costs them too much to maintain (or in some cases decide to cash in) . So what will happen if suddenly the costs to maintain the included 12 second cloud service goes up in price for them? What made it so attractive to purchase the Wyze cam was that it did have this “free” (included) service with it while others did not. You can bet that I was not the only one that decided to go with Wyze because of this.

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Nice thought I guess. I don’t follow your logic but I sincerely doubt it would or could “drive” them to make any changes. What that will do is drive them to revoke the pay what you want experiment and switch to a mandatory pay plan.

Which I am fine with :blush:

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That sounds good but you would think that they would have thought of that.

Ha ha ha, good one Dodge guy. Although as time rolls on with this pandemic it may seem worth the risk… :wink::small_airplane:

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If value received for money spent fills your need then all’s good

No value received and no money spent. So I am all good. :blush:

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Saw this in another forum. Have a smile.



I have and use this one myself. And am guilty of similar thought processes. But hey, somehow the world keeps turning. :blush:
