Pepe' Le Pew & Friends

Plays for others and myself, try another device…

The gang was late going home this morning at 5:52AM. The boss coon #5 came by a few minutes later.


Smelly making it’s rounds


Not so fun when it “makes its rounds” all over your patio furniture… :wink:

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Neighbors V2 video texted to me

Bear vs. Garbage Can

2 Mountain Lions

Killed my neighbors cat and will be shot if seen by us locals :rage:

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All I get are these criminals:

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You guys are lucky. I get two legged clothed critters looking for bottles in my recycle bin. I don’t care if it’s at the curb, but one of the critters walks all the way through my side yard to root around.


The two-legged ones here steal your Halloween and Christmas decos, outdoor lighting and whatever else isn’t cemented to the ground.

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Make a custom Halloween/Christmas decoration that is really a Glitter Bomb with the fart stink spray to boot :rofl:

Look up Glitter Bombs for a good laugh, the one with the fart spray is hilarious :joy:

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If I was in college chemistry lab, I’d take some SO2 that would splatter a nasty skunk smell all over them…

Servatius Joseph Raccoon likes his pork chop snack.


How does “My Can Opener” know I have escaped my pen?

I look left, center and right and see no Hooman?

I’m not a Wyze Cam fan meow :crying_cat_face:

That cat has been taking lesson from the squirrels. When are the cat and Pepe’ getting married?

I sense there will be a convenient can of nearby white paint involved.

Here is your squirrel @Antonius

We don’t have any gray squirrels here in Concord. I have a clan of about 30 of the red ones in my back yard who use the fence for a freeway. Where I grew up in rural New York we had the gray squirrels that my grandmother liked to eat, My brother told me the other day he has a yard full of black squirrels now along with many cousins of Pepé which his dog has learned to avoid. :skunk: :skunk: :skunk:

@Antonius - In my 15+ years here I have never seen a raccoon on my property, guess they don’t like the predators up here or are very stealth.

You don’t see any raccoons up there because you live in the semi-sane part of CA. All the raccoons around here belong to the party of “FREE STUFF”. They would have to work up there for their food and deal with the competition. :upside_down_face:

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The area I live in is mostly conservative so the “Free Stuff” party is the minority here :exclamation:


wish Wyze would get a better font too as this exclamation mark ( ! ) looks like the letter ( l ) so I have to use this instead :exclamation:

Post 100 LOL - Main reason I made it :exclamation: