Pepe' Le Pew & Friends

Don’t do that.

This is why I have several Wyze cams on the pen so I know when my cat escapes the pen.

The pen is for their safety as there are predators up here. Although deer don’t eat cats (except zombie deer) she has no fear of the deer…

So I get notified of her escape…

YouTube video is too large to upload so link below
No Fear of the Deer

That spike Buck did give the kitty the “EVIL EYE” but he was to comfortable where he was. :rofl:

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She is the only one that climbs out, the other’s can’t or have never tried to escape the pen-of-safety.

Instead they ring the doorbell so to speak to get out and back inside, have a camera setup at gate that notifies when they want out as they have learned to go to gate if they want back inside.

When I let them out they run right to the gate and wait for me to let them in the pen.

Maybe I should try to teach the nightly raccoons and the one possum tricks :rofl:

@Antonius The run to the “Pen-of-Safety” in the Eldorado National Forest
Rascal to the pen

Answer this forever question. Does the Bear S*** in the woods or does it use the outhouse you fabricated for it? I hope there is not a WYZE cam in there. :open_mouth: :grinning: :grinning: And by the way I hate that I can not log into this forum on my PC when I have the VPN turned on :persevere:.

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NO Bears Crap in the Woods wherever they want and I have not built a bear outhouse with spy cam :rofl:

As far as VPN my system is on VPN and even if I give the IP which is you will get nowhere, this is by design and I cannot turn off my VPN whatsoever…

Maybe you need a different VPN provider as I have no issues at any websites…

And I have my cellular routers and modems to reboot every morning (very early) to get a new IP daily

I change the VPN to a different place in the United States and other different countries every day just for the fun of it, Sometimes Canada, Belgium, Netherlands, Brazil and so on. Today my IP says I am in Montreal Canada. I can use the forum with those after I connect but the log on feature will not let me connect unless I turn it off. I have that issues with other of my favorite sites also. I’ll figure it out someday.

Not my video…

Deer Decoy attacked by Mountain Lion


I don’t know what this gang is up to?

Are those racoons? They are huge,… They must eat well. I’ve seen a number of your racoon videos. These ones look much bigger.

They just like your new driveway.

They think your new tailgate is cool.

What’s catnip to 'coons? Can’t be grubs. Figs are like, ‘meh.’


Yes they are racoons, there is usually 5 of them together. They look bigger because they are still growing. The earlier videos over the past few months shows them getting larger each month.

Nice doggie :grin:
That place is lit up like a baseball stadium !!!

All low wattage LED lighting but lit up well, the V3 does make it look brighter than our eyes would see it.

The escapist cat asked the squirrel to steal the camera, too bad it is mounted with a screw. The squirrel had to go get a screwdriver…

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The High Deer Feeder.

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Pepe up close.

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