Orb/spirit/ghost? You tell me

That would work!

Yes, I think it is a spider that is very close to your camera. Night vision IR light is making it shine like that. When it is further away, you can see the legs. I am sure if you clear all the spider web out in front the camera, all will be clear. Very cool video though…

I would love to be able to see this video. Let us know if you cn get it to upload to the community!


They uploaded 6 videos starting in response #6 above.

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thanks i found them!

I just figured cause two adults and a dog were brutally killed and dismembered in my house prior to me buying it that maybe they were haunting my house. Oh well who knows :man_shrugging:t2:

Hope you got a big discount! :scream:

Those are either spiders or China camera techs. playing with us. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

A tiny spider dangling in front of your lens. Not sure why the cameras seem to attract bugs