Notification Changes for HMS

Searched but haven’t seen it brought up yet…could you address the issue with the home Monitoring system and the fact that even in disarmed mode ALL the sensors STILL send notifications to my phone. In the Home mode, I expect the door sensors to send notifications but NOT the motion sensor, and of course in Away mode all sensors should send notifications. Problem is it doesn’t matter what mode I’m in I ALWAYS get notifications. A major oversight…when it’s disarmed I don’t need to know everytime the door opens or I’m walking thru the living room. And I shouldn’t have to disarm the system AND open the app to disable notifications or to enable them when I leave or change to Home mode. If it makes a difference this is on Android phone, not iphone. I have reached out to CS and we had a good conversation going bit when I asked if there would be a fix soon and if not I would want to return it, the conversation ended and I can’t get a response now…


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