Neighbors, like Ring (neighborhood watch)

Neighbors or communities
Where everybody within the same community or within the same 10 mile radius can share access if somebody broke into their house they can let everybody else know similar to what ring has is there anyway that you guys are going to make your own version of it

You can already do this with ring neighborhood , anyone with any brand camera can share it on ring neighborhood


What about, add a feature to the Wyze app, to let users participate in fighting crime, a button to enable showing nearby alerts from the Ring Neighborhood system. So that users who don’t have the Neighborhood app, or are not aware of it, will easily have the ability to watch the nearby suspicious activity videos or actual crime videos. And a button to upload your Wyze videos, or share access to your camera recording history, to the Ring Neighborhood system, to help law enforcement.

Create your own neighborhood network with your neighbors that are close to you. My neighbor across the street has a Ring and I use Wyze v3 cameras. We text each other videos and pictures of suspicious activity around our houses. If you get to know your neighbors, it is easy to assess which neighbors match your level of vigilance.