Messed up resolution on wyze app

when i try to set up my new wyze camera i cannot because the resolution on the app is messed up and i can’t even see the wifi. i can’t put more than 1 picture so if u understand what i mean please help

Hello @devine133,

It looks more like a setting on your device not actually the Wyze app its self. Check your font size in your phone settings and make sure it is not set on a large font or larger. This possibly could be the problem. Also, try turning off your device and restarting it if necessary.


Reboot app. I have had something similar happen a few times lately, but always gone after a “force-close” of app on iOS.

did not do anything but thanks

Strange behavior for sure. Have you tried uninstalling the app and then reinstall it?

i have deleted it and reinstalled it and it still doesnt work

I’m totally baffled, sorry it is not working. I would contact support and get them to help you with this issue.

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@devine133 something tells me you are using the IOS beta 13…would I be correct in guessing that?

yes lol is that a problem?

Yes, Bam is right. It is a problem atm. I sent you a link to the thread on this issue. You can check your email. Since I don’t use iOS, I’m less familiar with these iOS issues. But I’m working on it.

Since there is already a thread on this topic, please continue the discussion in the thread mentioned by @StopICU33. :slight_smile:

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