Loads of stuff suddenly not working in Wyze app!


Not back online in Atlanta yet…

My cameras that are showing as offline are still sending notifications of events and I can view the events.

The lock still communicates via Bluetooth to its gateway. I just can’t create a new guest code. I do have an unassigned code that can be used in these eventualities.

Atlanta: Camera (ODC) and lock working, bulbs, switches and plugs still out.

All my cameras still hosed in San Diego.

Even Live View Beta is Borked…

Hmm, Amazon claims everything is fixed. They are wrong. My cameras are working fine in TinyCam but events are unreachable. Interestingly my Wyze Alexa voice announcement worked just fine a minute ago.

Just got this email from Wyze:

Wyze Cam Plus customers,

We noticed that Cam Plus service has been impacted by the Amazon Web Services (AWS) outage. You may not be able to load license(s) or view videos using the Wyze app. We are currently working on the issue.

We apologize for any inconvenience and will provide progress updates.

Thank you.

Same here in Tucker Georgia?

Down in West Texas…all of it. Cameras plugs, light bulbs…and my patience. I may pee myself…WTH man.

Atlanta: Wyze app showing some things as connected, but they’re not responding. Will I need to turn them off and on? I didn’t have to do anything extraordinary following the last interruption.

UPDATE: I was able to reconnect the Wyze Skill in Alexa app.

Amazon Map still showing outages throughout North America.

My smart devices (multiple vendors) and my Wyze events are back…

I tried arming - via the app - the HMS. It didn’t. So I clicked Disarm and it’s just doing the circle thing. Can’t wait to see what actually happens when the thing comes back online…

Hey C, Where are you, if you don’t mind?


That’s encouraging.

This is the second time in less than 2 weeks that AWS has gone down for a chunk of time, taking most smart home devices with it…

everything needs to be able to run locally…

but, #Amazon wants to monitor/track everything. :rage:

My cameras and plugs seem to be back online.

Vacuum and Thermostat are still DOA.

Dunno 'bout you but this is EXACTLY what I bargained for. I knew that with $25 Echo Dots and $20 Wyzecams (and even with $60 Leviton switches) I would be completely dependent on other people’s servers staying up.

Once I put a LOT more time and a bit more money into things I can get local control, but I suspect it won’t be as seamless as the Alexa ecosystem for a really long time. :frowning:

See various HomeAssistant threads and so on…

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