Let Person detect override other movements

Thanks. I can think of another way. That would be for Wyze to make a couple simple software changes. Apparently a “notification event” doesn’t exist until it’s uploaded to the cloud. So assuming “person” is selected in the option and ‘motion’ is not then the onboard software still looks for motion but only prepares it for notification upload if a 'Person" is detected else { discard_clip_for upload(); cancel_cool_down_timer(); } This should work because per their claim (A Huge Update for Wyze Cam - YouTube) all the person detection AI is done in the camera before anything is uploaded anyway. It’s only software.

Once one starts adding external motion sensors etc then it just complicates things in my opinion.

This is so dead simple to implement (assuming their “Person detection AI” is real) I can only think they don’t do it because they want you to buy their sensors etc. “Give away the razor to sell the blades” sorts of thing. On the other hand until they get this fixed I’ll keep my existing Wyze cam and pan cam but not add anymore wyze cams to my collection.

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