Lately, having issues connecting over cellular/LTE, but Wifi works most the time

if i cold return this i would have done so

I am having these issues to.

I am in Canada using rogers LTE and the wyze cams do not connect, and I am also using rogers gigabit internet service which is working quite well.

If there isn’t a resolution to this problem in two weeks I’m returning these cameras.

This is basic functionality that is tablestakes for a product like this. Either fix it, or am done and will also ensure that noone in my circle buys this product.

Disappointing to say the least

@kylewh23 How recently did you get the camera and establish your user account? Is the blue light on the camera still blinking?

I purchased it from about 5 days ago, and setup my acoound on Friday August 9.



Hello All,

I recently experienced this connectivity issue on my cell phone and may have a solution or at least insight.
TL;DR - IPv6 appears to be causing this issue for live view.

As a passenger in the car with the wife, I received a movement notification and went to check the clip. I could view the online 12 second clip fine, but when I went to try and direct connect for a live view, all my cameras were stuck at step 1/3.
I tried the wife’s phone and it worked. We are both on the same carrier (Rogers in Canada) but my phone is Android 8.1 vs. hers is 10. My background is in IT (infrastructure), so I am used to these types of mysteries.

A couple of year ago I experienced something similar with my Ring doorbell camera and after a bit of experimenting I discovered that setting my phone’s APN to IPv4 only made things work. I tried to do the same this time, but Rogers requires IPv6 on their default APN so that didn’t help. My phone as a second default APN for tethering and that has a different name. I cloned the default APN and took the APN name (ltedata.apn) from the tethering setup and changed the APN protocol to IPv4 only.
My WYZEcams now connect in live view with no issues.

If you are having this issue, I would recommend talking to your cellular provider and asking for ‘IPv4 only APN settings’.

I hope this helps others,

Thanks for that post Tim. This actually fixed it for me. I have had 2 of the Wyze cams for over a year and couldn’t connected over the cellular network to view the live stream. I had resorted to setting up a VPN on my home router, connecting to that first to get access to the LAN and then was able to view them.

I came across this thread and it did solve it for me. I’m using T-Mobile and found my setting here on Android 9 on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium

Settings > Network and Internet > Mobile Network > Advanced > Access Point Names > (select your current apn, mine was T-Mobile US LTE) > Swipe down to APN protocol > Select IPv4/IPv6

Mine was set to IPv6 only. Once I changed it to IPv4/IPv6 it starting working instantly.

Thank you.

Where’s the data/analysis to support this claim?

I think the fact he said “just spitballing here” would pretty clearly indicate there is no analysis. Or do you have a different understanding of the phrase?

That’s my point. It’s a BS meaningless statement to call out cell/internet providers as the issue. If he’s making the claim, spitballing or not, there needs to be something behind it. Which of course there isn’t. So it’s anecdotal BS. :man_shrugging:

I took it as he was offering up a possibility for discussion not “calling anyone out”. This forum is not scientific or technical although we have some folks that would qualify. It’s a community, we throw stuff out for consideration and to stimulate further conversation and “see what sticks” as they say.

In general we don’t try and shut the free exchange of ideas down but rather encourage expression. However I myself am guilty of squashing expressions I did not agree with, so I am learning to be more tolerant myself. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Expression about technical issues without data isn’t helpful tho.

There are soooo many #fanboys in this community that always want to point to something other than Wyze being the problem and they do so without evidence. Again, that’s not helpful. The community might as well be 4chan if folks can’t point to empirical evidence of a particular problem, else everything is just a (conspiracy) theory. And note I didn’t squash any ideas, I just asked for data.

I’m all for the free exchange of ideas, but those ideas should be useful and be backed by data.

Also, I’m not sure why you quote “calling anyone out”, I didn’t say that…

Thanks for the lively discussion, rbruce!

Glad to help, and if you search my posts you will know i am the opposite of a “fanboy” by any definition. :wink:

What makes this place different than the 4Chans of the internet is we try hard not to stifle the conversation. On most forums the so called “experts” shutdown everyone else.

I posted my issue in a Rogers Cellular forum and received this reply from one of the moderators:
“I can imagine how inconvenient it is to be unable to view your camera feed remotely. Rogers only supports IPv6 while on LTE. Apps that are IPv4 only will not work on our LTE network. Please contact your camera provider to make sure it supports IPv6 only networks.”

The WYZE app works fine and cloud clips can be viewed with an IPv6 connection, but it would appear that Live View requires an IPv4 only connection. Being in the IT field, I can understand these technical challenges and what it takes to surmount them globally while retaining security. Hopefully it is something on the roadmap. For now I know the issue and have a workaround.

Hope this helps,

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This was the statement that caused me to quote mine. Nothing bad about it per se just trying to be careful. :slightly_smiling_face:

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No technical data was provided by the OP, so in the absence of that data I offered a potential explanation based on data from Wyze about changes they confirmed they made. It’s an issue I’ve had on multiple cellular providers (mostly Sprint MVNOs and Verizon) where they block certain protocols, ports, or IP ranges at the network level, so while there’s no smoking gun it was a reasonable explanation for the issue. Generally when a system works fine for most users but not for a few, it’s more productive to look for the anomaly in each of those users (cellular provider) than saying it’s the system (Wyze).

I don’t have an agenda to push; in general I try to offer helpful suggestions to fellow Wyze users, but I try to use qualifying statements to make it clear when I’m providing a fact-based professional suggestion (usually accompanied by links to sources) vs an anecdotal one (i.e. spitballing). Sometimes the anecdotes aren’t helpful, but as an IT professional chasing down recurring anecdotes on forums is often the path I take to find a solution so I appreciate hearing all suggestions :slight_smile:

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I have the same issue and can’t get fix until now.
Dear Wyze, would you pls support IPv6 to fix this issue, I have 6 cams and I can’t connect to live stream at all from 5G/4G/LTE. WiFi is working perfect.

Please do something or regret so we can look for another product not to wast our time.

We trusted you and we need to continue. Awaiting your feedback. Thanks.

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