Integration with Alexa Guard

This thread is over a year old… Where are we on deeper integration with Alexa Guard…? So much potential here… Feels like a missed opportunity. Cameras, motion, sense, bulbs… Notifications, actions, routines… Oh the possibilities, but we’ve got nothing.

Until recently, it wasn’t possible to automate anything based on Alexa Guard within Routines. You can do that now, so there are some possibilities, but it just depends what exactly you’re trying to do. I don’t think it’s possible to automate some of the global Wyze rules in Alexa, like turning notifications on and off, but you should vote for a Wyze Virtual Switch. That would open a lot of possibilities. Basically anything you can automate within the Wyze app would be accessible within Alexa, IFTTT, etc.


Also enabling Guard mode also enable motion detection.


Yep it is. When leaving home just say to Alexa “I’m leaving now” Alex will say ok I’ll turn hard on guad. It will listen for smoke, CO2 and breaking glass. If it hears either it will send you a notification.