Integration Request

I have a need for when the Cam v3 detects motion (any), to trigger a wyze smart plug to turn on after a specified time period, like 1-5 minutes or something. Is there functionality to do this with wyze ecosystem or alexa?

Hello @jfharper

Most of what you are wanting to do is possible with a few blockers.
Wyze Rule
You can setup a rule in the Wyze App so that IF a V3 detects motion, THEN turn on a Wyze Plug, you can also set a duration of time that the plug is on. You cannot set a pause in the Wyze Rule. There is a Wishlist item for this capability.

You can setup a Routine in Alexa so that IF a Person is detected (Requires Cam Plus, Cam Plus Lite, or Cam Plus Pro), Turn on Wyze plug After X time.
The only Alexa Trigger for Camera action is Person detection and not just Motion.

Also keep in mind with the Cameras, there is no When Clear, duration.

You could also consider the Wyze Sense Hub and Motion Detectors as this would achieve IF motion detected, then turn on Wyze Plug After X minutes in Alexa. Where Alex Routines give you the wait/pause capability.


Thanks, close, but I need what I specified. I submitted a request.

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You might be able to do this via TinyCam and some scripting.

An entirely stupid solution:

Rule 1-turn a plug on for 1 to 5 minutes when camera detects motion.

Rule2-turn on second plug when first plug turns off.

For what it’s worth, with a motion sensor and Alexa routines, you could do what you want by inserting a delay of whatever length you need.