I Have A Serious Security Issue

For what its worth, I solved this by plugging both my cams into a Wyze plug so that I can remotely power cycle the cams. So far that’s worked fine. My cams are 1200 miles away so driving there to cycle the cams isn’t an option.


I haven’t traveled since COVID but I will keep this in mind for this summer. Thanks.

Except my (former) Wyze plugs were themselves as (un)reliable as the cameras. My current solution has proven to bq 100% reliable.

Pity. My plugs have no issues (yet?).

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FYI - We can also setup an automation rule within the WYZE app itself to perform a restart of any v1, v2, or v3 camera if we would like. The WYZE automation rules allow for a 1 time event to recur every single day. Thus if you want to restart every 12 hours, you would need to setup two rules…12 hours apart.

I do not own any WYZE plugs, and thought I would throw this out there for others like me. Options are always good.

Kind regards,


That was my first thought, I would use a different brand of plug. :blush:

I don’t know what really happens during an app induced restart but it’s not removing power from the camera.

Thanks for your suggestions!

I hadn’t thought of that one…thanks!


Mine re600 miles away. Shouldn’t have to do that

Exactly, and if the camera needs to be power cycled, it may not be reachable to reboot through the app anyway. A smart plug of a different brand is best so if the problem is with Wyze servers, the other brand will likely be reachable as long as there’s internet.

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I completely agree. With that said I will say that I restart all of my v2 and v3 cameras every single day in a staggered fashion starting at 3am. I’ve never had (or at least noticed) the issue reported by the OP. :slight_smile: Maybe a coincidence, but I am constantly viewing playback of my v3 and suspect I would have noticed this problem if I was bumping into it.

It’s not something you’re likely to notice on a casual basis. The only reason I came upon it is I was looking for a specific event that wasn’t there. I got suspicious and set up a test environment where I could confirm conclusively what was, or wasn’t, happening.

With just a single camera determining something is missing is near impossible because…, well because it’s missing. You need something additional to show it was actually there.

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I hear what you’re saying, honestly I do.

Here’s my scenario. I’ll get an event recorded in my list of events. Then I’ll go back and view playback from microSD before and after that event. Thus far every time I do this (multiple times a day since November 2020), the actual event that was in my list exists during my playback session.

But if the camera fails to record the event it’s likely the event was not recognized and no notification will be sent, or event listed. Now what? You can’t possibly know something was missed because there is no evidence of anything missing. You need monitoring external to and separate from the camera in question to determine that.

Fair enough, but the scenario you’re bringing to the table is not the problem that the OP brought to our attention. The problem the OP brought to our attention is that there was an event in the event list then when the OP went to view the event from playback it was completely MIA.

OP = original poster

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The original poster started with the event and couldn’t find the corresponding SD footage. That is the subject.

Edit: beaten by Known1

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Granted, I kind of lost focus on that. Makes his issue even stranger, especially given the identical time stamps on the 2 frame grabs.

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It seems he or she just didn’t feel like checking the other 9-10 time stamp positions they’d need to check to find the correct timezone offset on the SD card. It would only take a minute to do.

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