Google Home/Assistant Integration

Having WebRTC would be awesome. Would you be able to implement that on the camera itself (and thus maybe eventually able to get rid of your dependence on Throughtek!) or would it still be through an intermediary in the cloud?

We are looking at WebRTC in the camera to allow the local connection scenario. Removing a dependency on throughtek is totally different discussion. :slight_smile:


That would be awesome. Having the lag reduced is always welcomed!

Awesome - It would make viewing the WYZE BELL a BREEZE

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Any chance on joining the beta?

Just bought 5 cams after reading this forum in anticipation of google assistant integration but I must say that after setting them up, I am already thoroughly happy and excited for what I just got! Especially for the price point! Google assistant integration is going to be a nice cherry on top of an already tasty sundae. Great job and keep it up with the transparency. I wish more companies were like you guys.


At this point I’m glad I bought only one.
Frustrated with the lack of progress on the Google front.
Rethinking other camera options for what will eventually be a pair of 12+ camera installations…

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We apologize for the frustration, ddbuster. Though we are making progress on the Google front! Here’s the update from 4 days ago:

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its in testing with google. release is within weeks.
your frustration, or telling us about it will change nothing.

you could easily just say that you “are eagerly awaiting this feature” and not sound… well nevermind how you sound…


I’d rather have it work on release without lag. So take all the time you need. I now have 3 cameras knowing this was coming. I have faith. :blush:

I bought my camera with the sole reason of future Google Home integration. I’m currently on the beta testing, and while it’s nice to pull up the camera on my Lenovo hub, it’s more of a party trick. I’m way more likely to not be anywhere near my display, but always have my phone on me.

I guess what I’m saying is… I bought because of Google Home integration, but stayed because of what you already were providing.


I’m part of the beta, but it hasn’t been working for a while. Is that due to the switch to MPEG-DASH?
Do I need to do anything for that to work?

You may need to un-link and re-link it. Sorry for the trouble!

I unlinked it and it’s not there anymore as a a service to link to…


fixed it… I had to also re-enable the simulator again…


seems like i’ve done everything to become a beta tester??? haven’t gotten even one email…help

Google home requires a separate registration because we are not holding your google account.

not sure what that means…what email do you what or need?

We need the email address you use with your Google Home account and we’d have to send you a special invitation to it. This is separate from our general beta testing. :slight_smile: