Error (code 09) - Video player error

My wife can watch events on her phone I can’t. She has a Samsung. I have a Motorola.

Well, I see that this Problem with Motorola Compatibility with the Video Doorbell goes back to Early 2021. I have a Motorola G Power 2022 and receive the Error Code (09) from the events tab of the WYZE app and black screen when attempting playback live view. Just spent over an hour with Online Support and for them it sounded like a new issue that they never heard of. She directed me to come to the wish list and voice my concerns. My first concerned is that I got played for a fool because I told her that the play back works on a Samsung and not the Motorola right from the start.

I wish that they could at least put a Disclaimer on the ad for the Doorbell that it may not be compatible with some Motorola phones, this would have saved me a lot of anguish,

Unhappy Customer.


Fwiw, I have an older Moto G7 Power and was told by a Duck Duck Go engineer that DDG’d found that Motorola implemented VPNs differently within Android and they hadn’t come up with a workaround to that roadblock (to DDG’s 3rd-party-request-blocking feature in browsers.)

Tangential, but that’s all I got. :slight_smile:

New issue they never heard of?! I first reported this over TWO YEARS AGO. I’ve had this problem on a Nokia PureView 9, a OnePlus 5, a Moto G Power 2021 and 2022, and now I have it on a OnePlus Nord N20. On every phone, it started by working, and then it stopped working because of some update to the Wyze Android app. Wyze has fixed/broken this feature for YEARS without paying any attention to regression testing or fixing. At first, I’d open a ticket and Wyze would promise a fix was coming in two weeks–it never came. They’d close my ticket without a resolution. (You can find the ticket #s in one of the many threads about “Video error 09.”) This happened over and over until I gave up. Congratulations, Wyze! You win.

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Proem is I was, at one time able to view my Wyze Doorbell both live and recorded.
I took gave up. I have a blink doorbell and mini now. I need to cancely wyze.subscription for sure.

I have a Moto G stylus and at one time I could view both live and recorded events on my Wyze Doorbell. Then the recorded video went away. My wife can still see both other Samsung. So after many weeks with no response from Wyze I bought a couple of Blink products and I’m happy with them.

My Samsung a12 did the same thing after an update. I could never get it sorted. When I got the 13 it worked. Every time a phone update comes along I think the wyze doorbell will stop working with my phone. I’ve had troubles with other wyze cams that aren’t caused by my phone though, mostly caused by wyze updates. I gave up on them and moved along to other cams.

I am consistently having this issue with the Doorbell Camera - it will not let me view events EVER. I have done everything, including full factory reset & submitted logs. Nothing is changing. I have an iPhone & it does the same thing on my ipad. Why am I paying for Wyze cam plus when it wont even let me view the videos or events?


Yes, that is the question we all have.

When you submitted the logs, did you open a ticket beforehand and add the ticket # to the logs? If not, Wyze will ignore them. (To be honest, they’ll ignore your ticket, too, and close it without solving the problem … but only after making you reset everything and re-add and re-configure and waste a bunch of your time.)

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