Doorbell chime as motion notification

With a little creativity, you can already do that with Google and Alexa speakers. Mine do it right now.

But I agree that Wyze should have it built in to be able to do it on the Wyze Chime speaker or another camera.

care to elaborate on that creativity? i’ve got a few google automations in place already, but can’t use automation as a trigger on those. so far i’ve just made one of my wyze bulbs flash green when there’s a person detected.

Sure! Here is a copy of a little walkthrough I made for someone else to do it with Google. If you want it to announce for packages instead of person, you would just do the same thing, except substitute “Detects a Person” for “Package” but do everything else the same:

Now your Google speakers will announce when your camera detects a person or a package. Pretty cool workaround.

It would be nice to have it built-in, but at least there is still a way to do it for those of us who want it. :+1:

Did you have to do anything special to make your wyze cams show up in the “When a device does something” section? In my Google Home app I only see light switches, TVs, and speakers there, not the wyze cams. The wyze cams do show up in the devices tab of the app though, just not selectable as a trigger.

I don’t think I did anything special. It was a long time ago when I integrated it though…as in, years ago. You might have to make sure each device is added to your “Home” and maybe a room/zone within the home? Mine are that way, at least (ie: not unassigned or “Linked to you” section.

Also, make sure you select a “Household” routine, not a “Personal” Routine.

Might consider re-linking Wyze and Google Home together again too. That might refresh the list.


Ahh that was it. Had to add it to a specific room. It’s working now, thanks so much for this new trick!

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Awesome! You’re welcome. Thanks for the followup, that is good information to know in case someone else is trying to do it and has a similar issue. I’m glad it worked!