Camera is off but

My camera is "off " but it is plugged into an outlet.
Occasionally, when I enter the room I hear a faint click from the camera. I check the app and it says the camera is “off”.
Does anyone know what is going on?

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Welcome back @geraldnystrom.
The click is the InfraRed (IR) filter clicking into position. Apparently the camera is sensing a change in illumination.
If this is a V2 cam and you shut if off in the app that should not be happening.

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As @dr.know said, the camera will not record video, livestream, or respond to any rules when it is set as “off”.

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I as well have had this happen as if late. Everytime I turn lights in in a room where I am 100000% sure the cameras are OFF, I hear clicks all around from the Wyze Cameras. I check the cameras and the IR sensors are in. I go into the app, cameras are off. I click on, then off again, and the sensors go out. I definitely do not want these if they are being turned in and viewed via someone hacking into the system it anything. And that’s what I thought for weeks while this was happening. This is happening on every V2 and Pan that I own. On a regular basis over the course of the last few weeks.

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When you toggle the on/off via the app you are not powering the camera “off”, you are just disabling certain items, like remote viewing…camera will continue to connect and respond to lighting changes…”off” is more of a “privacy filter” for the feed