Add More Actions for Wyze Rules

Set time relative to sunrise/sunset. For Wyze plug, for example, it would be helpful to set an “on time” say 30 minutes before sunset so lamps are on as it starts getting darker. But I might always want it to go off at 10 pm regardless of sunset. Or I’d like my lamp to go “off” 1 hour after sunrise. I could also see this helpful with the sprinkler timer so that it finishes watering, say, 30 minutes before sunrise.

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On Beta they’ve got a sunrise/sunset option under Account–> home but I have not figured out how to use it.

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Thanks gemniii. I’ll try that out!!

In the rules section I have the ability to turn the plug on with the HVAC trigger. What I would like is the ability to turn the Plug off when the HVAC Fan turns off.

The reason is I have a booster fan inline that I would like to turn on and off with the HVAC system.

Or is there another way to do this with a Rule?

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Need to see scheduled sound detection. Makes absolutely no sense why only motion detection is available.

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i need a timer inside the triggers in the rules. i got a color bulb in a downstairs light, and have it triggered to turn on when someone presses the doorbell. i’d like an option as to how long it should be on. i don’t want or need it to be on indefinitely after turning on, especially if i am expecting more people. just like the option in the rules for a motion sensor. i want the light to come on when someone hits the bell, then turn off on a minute or less.



I agree, it would also be nice if the bulbs came on in a color of my choice. My bulbs always come on in white when scheduled to turn on, even though the previous color they were on wasn’t white.

Now with Home Monitoring, it would be great to be able to trigger lights when the security system sends these triggers:

  • Entry Delay started and ended
  • Exit Delay started and ended
  • Alarm is armed for Home
  • Alarm is armed for Away
  • Alarm is Disarmed
  • Alarm is triggered

These would cause me to really invest in the Wyze ecosystem to have a smart home with Wyze at its center.

Can you explain what you mean by Entry/Exit Delay trigger? Do you mean when a sensor is “open” have it be able to do something like turn on a light, wait X amount of minutes, then turn the light back off? Or can you give an example of how a person would use this? (Just trying to understand and follow your request)

Nevermind, just barely got my HMS subscription code right after I posted this comment, and now that I activated everything it is obvious to me what settings you are talking about: The Entry/Exit delay of the beeping while the system waits for us to arm disarm the HMS and while it beeps at us the whole time.


Please create a rule to arm and disarm home security system at certain times, for example arm at 11pm and disarm at 5pm.

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I think this would be interesting feature, and should be doable on current camera HW:

Basically make setting to create sound (for example dog or pump action shot gun loading sound), and make the camera play the sounds if motion is detected during set times. So for example you could set this to be active 11pm to 6am on certain cameras on the entrance paths. Then if motion detected during those hours the camera could play dog barking sounds.

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Can you please add Wyze Sprinkler to Shortcuts? It would be very handy to be able to turn sprinkler zones on and off with the watch.

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I’d like to request something that I thought was included in all wyze products and that’s the ability to create a shortcut to start the robot vacuum so that I can start it from my wyze band instead of having to open app on my phone. I sent a message to chat support and they mentioned to post the idea/request here.


I want the ability to create a rule for Wyze to Automatically Arm Home Mode at lets say 11pm, and disarm at 6am. Rules are there for notification, but not for arming. Also… I know others have asked, but silence the beeping when arming Home mode…

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Please add home alarm system automation and schedule option to automatically turn off and on alarms at specific times.

Rules need an option to turn off an action after a specific interval such as turn a bulb off after 2 minutes or the V3 siren after 1 minute.


I would love to use the Wyze app for more home automation rather than using the Alexa app.

(Triggers much faster on the Wyze app)

Somehow though the Alex app can set the color on the Wyze bulbs but the Wyze app can only do temperature??? Am I missing something or does this seem like a major design flaw.

Currently, when adding a rule, the action becomes permanent.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could set a timer/duration for the rule action?

For example, when the contact sensor on my front door opens, I would like to mute doorbell notifications for X minutes. This would prevent nuissance notifications from people leaving the house.

Many other uses for the duration/timer come to mind:
-Turning your Wyze Bulb on for X minutes after motion is detected on the sensor or a camera.
-Turning on your Wyze Plug for X minutes after a contact opens/closes.
-Notifications are enabled for X minutes after a device trigger.


Yeah, I use Alexa for a lot of rules to do these 2 things because Wyze doesn’t support a general “WAIT X AMOUNT OF TIME” Action. It should be natively available in Wyze’s rules rather than us seeking out 3rd party solutions.