Wyze thermostat is ready for beta test! Become a tester and make it too good to be true

Makes no sense to do that. oh well.

I think there’s gonna be a new round of emails. I just tried again and it says key invalid.

I got this same email. At least the website said something different.

It says key invalid

I feel so sorry for the inconvenience. My bad totally. It is working now! and I saw 26 people just joined via the latest link.


I was able to get in, thank you! And no worries about the issues!

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Just got the new email! It worked! Will you be letting us know when you’re sending the thermostat out?

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I’m glad to be able to work with my favorite company to test their product!

working now. Thanks


Am I too late? I submitted my survey with a picture, I’m in Maryland, it gets super hot, then super cold, always need either the heat or AC on.

The thermostat beta testers have been selected and the, erm, rocky onboarding issue has been resolved. I’m going to close this topic now so that people aren’t confused if they find it later. We look forward to having the thermostat ready for everyone!

Thanks to the folks that applied. If you didn’t make it into this round, we hope to work with you later! :slight_smile: