Wyze Hub Ideas

I have been in the alarms/camera industry for 25 years now in banking security have been for over 5 years. I am so impressed with your products and price points only thing I see you truly need is a wireless or wired to bridge… Input and output devices to make wyze integrate with truly any real security product . Siren, cell communicator, -output. Inputs could tie old equipment to the new features of wyze technology . Thank you, Norman Derek Alsup


My post is a little different I mean a relay contact input and or output .

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I would love to see Wyze make a Hub for their cameras.

It would be really useful.

Hi Wyze Team,

I think a somewhat powerful hub would really be great to have and if its somewhat future proof that would be even better.

You could either sell a standard hub your self like you do with the Wyze sense products that’s kind of beefy similar to smartthings or create a a client that can be installed and ran on a home computer or server and sell a kit with an antenna/receiver for all of the products.

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I would like to see a hub that allows me to connect all or most of my wyze products to instead of connecting all directly to my router in order to free up the number of active connections on my router. The more separate devices are communicating with my router the more congested my network gets.

A way to connect lights to the existing sense hub that goes on the wyze cam could work just fine as well if nothing else.

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Totally agree. This especially impacts anyone using a cellular Internet connection as all cellular routers, I am aware of, limit connections to around 15 or so connections. In a smart house, it doesn’t take long to use those up. In my case, I would add around 6 more cameras alone, but can’t as I don’t have any more connections available. Just doesn’t make sense to not have a hub at least in consideration.

Please consider that there is a dark side to having a hub. I switched from Insteon due to the constant ongoing issues with their hub/back-end servers. Imagine having to wait 30-60 seconds every time you wanted to turn on a light, and regular loss of communication with voice assistants.

A hub can be a great thing if implemented correctly but if it isn’t it will bring down the entire system. These things have to be reliable and fast or people will get frustrated with them.

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Not an expert on this in no way, but I can say that my Philips Hub works flawlessly, so while I understand what you are saying, I think the key point you make is “if implemented correctly”…but doesn’t that apply to virtually everything in life?


I would love Wyze devices to still work during an Internet failure. If power electricity is still working and so is the internal wireless network, all devices should be able to connect to the bridge and respond to the App commands.

This is stopping me from using Wyze bulbs in my entire house (about 80 bulbs) since I already removed every wall switches. Every bulb has direct (always on) current and I activate my bulbs using the App, Alexa commands and/or motion/contact sensors, but we had Internet issues last week and we were unable to light up some rooms where we use Wyze devices.

This is a better feature present in Apple Kit compatible devices as Philips Hue bulbs, they still work even when there is no Internet.

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I know this has been requested before, but I wanted to post my own suggestion with some further hammered out details.

Horrible mock up image ^

Perhaps they could release an optional WYZE HUB. Rather than each Wyze cam using bandwidth and it’s own I.P. on your main router, they could connect to a Wyze hub via 2.4ghz wifi, which would connect to your router via Ethernet.

The hub could have a USB port for external storage. Each time a cam records a clip, it would send it to the hub where it would be saved to your external storage device. (I suggest external storage, to keep production costs lower)

You could then bring your removable storage to your PC for viewing or archiving.

The hub could also have and HDMI out and a remote for viewing on your TV.

Essentially an Android style media box with a built in access point, but exclusively to work with Wyze.

You could still use the Wyze app on your phone, or use the hub for viewing.
Using a hub would eliminate the need for using a (unreliable) microsd card in every camera.

The hub would not be mandatory. People could keep their current setups. BUT, for those who desire a more reliable storage solution, the ability to also access their cams and footage via TV or for those who use a LOT of camera and don’t want them using all their routers wifi bandwidth, I think a hub would be a smart alternative.


I love this idea all kinds of future possibilities.


So, no difference from what we have now. Sometimes they work great, other days, not so much.

It would also be great if multiple hubs could create a mesh network. If all the devices have to talk to it that would be great for larger homes to cover inside outside and multiple floors.

I think there is an opportunity here for Wyze: a new dedicated router to handle all of the streams. this router will aggregate and consolidate into gallery views and in HEVC so that its more realtime than at 4fps which of course gets worse as you have more streams.

So this “router” is:

  1. Real time aggregator
  2. can work offline, obviously only stream to local
  3. recompress realtime to HEVC so gallery view can be 15+ fps regardless of number of cams
  4. locally stored and possibly remotely viewed and controlled
  5. dedicated to only Wyze cams and devices
  6. Own DHCP host but obviously off of your main router

New product: Wyze Video Central Router.

Develop an interface / gateway that will unify all the Wyze devices, so you can manage all the Wyze devices in one place.

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The introduction of the Wyzecam Outdoor “base station” was the PERFECT opportunity to introduce a unified hub for their products. They completely failed / neglected to do so.

Particularly reading how the base station supposedly keeps in low power communication with the PIR sensor in the WCO - why the heck not do that to the other Wyze sensors??


would love to see a DIY hub (rpi4 w/ ssd storage ) or a wyze hub, i dont care but what I would like to see is more of a NVR hub where instead of pushing everything up the cloud, push it to the hub. Want to view videos, it uses the hub. The hub is where its at, i dont care about it having wifi, would prefer it didnt or maybe just make it something i can turn off. Viewing videos on a wyze device is laggy/sluggish and maybe doing it on the hub with better specs would improve that?

If it isn’t feasible to do person detection in the camera (it’s clearly possible since we’ve all seen it), and cloud-based detection requires subscriptions, how about a Wyze base station ‘hub’ that provides the compute power needed to do more intensive tasks?

It isn’t unusual for wireless IoT devices to come with some kind of wired hub or base station. Arduino and Raspberry Pi both provide boards that offer more than enough horse power to do image recognition with loads of capacity to spare for future . In fact, it could provide a lot more possible features:

a place to connect a screen for places that want live, tiled views of all their cameras.
a place to connect an external HD to record 24/7 (or hook it up to your own cloud storage).
a sandbox environment for the technically minded among your user base to play with their own community-driven code/AI and the rest of the Wyze API.

No need for subscriptions. A one-time buy would be sufficient and would make sure all owners already had the compute in-hand for yet-to-be conceived features. And given that boards with multiple CPU and a couple Gb of RAM can be picked up for tens of dollars, I can’t imagine it would have to cost a lot either.

Just an idea…

Moderator Note: This is a merged #wishlist submission. Remember to scroll up to the top and click the VOTE button.

Connecting all the Wyze stuff to a hub would allow is to be completely local, with no internet or cloud required. Person detection could happen on the Hub as well. It would increase privacy and could interact with smart home hubs such as Hubitat (also local). The cameras could still connect over Wifi, they just would talk to the internet anymore. Recorded clips could be longer as storage would be a matter of adding a drive or large USB Stick

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