View On PC/Browser (Windows / Mac / Chromebook)

What about just notifications, let alone badges? Should be able to set priority notifications to alert when iPhone is locked. Not sure if alerting would be any better on a PC. Not certain if app behavior can be used to create tasks - like if wyze notification then play alert.wav - not sure if 3rd party or other brand’s apps do alerting.

I ask about badges because that is what i am looking for.

I can get notifications, but I tend to keep my phone on privacy mode. Badges always happen no matter what you have your phone set for. Screen alerts only happen when you don’t have it set for privacy mode, and I do not like alerts on my lock screen.

I get that. When I was working I didn’t want anything to show up on lock screen. Now retired, no ones around so I’d like to get the notifications and prioritize certain ones even when locked. App badges would be fine too. But I got quite a few apps that never show badges or are very inconsistent. Facebook is one that never shows them consistently.

A proper web interface would really help but even if that can’t be implemented instantly at-least a web interface for the Events page (last 14days playback which is in the app) so that one can see it properly rather than seeing it on the small mobile screen some kind of having the same window able to open where one can interact it via the PC browser a login and seeing it with some QR code on it

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Man thank you for that information I was just wondering last night how to do that.

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on a phone? That’s the whole point too small

Yes, on a phone

We had an internet outage for about 4 hours a few days ago. I could not control any bulbs at all. So I must not have something set up correctly.

I don’t have bulbs or locks but the cameras do require an Internet connection.

I have looked at a competing product for comparison.

The competing product has similar (a little higher) resolution. It has most of what the Wyze product has, but in addition:

  • A pretty good client for PC
  • Email notifications
  • Granular considerations for detection areas
  • 64GB MicroSD Class 10 memory capability
  • Exposure, balance, flicker, backlight, DNR

It does NOT have continuous recording AND motion recording simultaneously. You have to choose one. This is ridiculous.

It does not do these things well:

  • iPhone App Alerts - they don’t work, if they are supposed to

It is a PTZ product, so similar to the PTZ camera otherwise, which has a similar set of features to the non-PTZ product, so I am not comparing that part. I will say that it does not have live motion tracking, which is really disappointing.

I think if the Wyze product had a desktop client, email notifications, badges, and some exposure controls, it would be a product superior to pretty much anything else out there of competing price. I do like the Wyze cameras. I have bought three of the cubes and one of the motion tracking versions now. I look forward to improvements or updated products!

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Me too. I am content with a product La paid less than $100 to have my house fit with security equipment. It has its flaws but what would you expect from a $100 investment. And I’m sure the flowers will be fixed sooner than later as well as advancements. I’m very blessed to read associated with the wise community. And I await the future growth.

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I know that if you DL an Android Emulator like Bluestacks you can view on your PC. Not the best solution but one that will work.

RTSP firmware and NX Witness

Here’s 25 panels made from only 8 wyze cams. 2 Pan Cams and 6 V2’s with a few having 2.1mm lens. I’ve just started playing with it, but NX is insanely cool.


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Definitely needed. Having the option to watch from a desktop and multiple cameras at the same time would be awesome!

For people like me that aren’t electronic geniuses, could you share how you did this? I set up an account at NX but have no idea what to do next. How much does this insanely cool item cost and how do I use it when I buy it?

And how do I use the rstp software?

I had the same problem and had to ask the same question when Tony of Network Optics (NX) posted a video to wyze on reddit about how NX now works with Wyze cams. And luckily he made a new video based on me asking your question.

To just live view them is free. To record and few other things (which wyze doesn’t support anyways) is another story. For one, you need a license for each cam to record (although recording your screen is free and included, not sure if there is a time limit). And you can’t buy a license from them. You buy it from third parties who use their code (but not their name), and best I can tell it’s from $79 to $90+ bucks per cam. So BS in the form of a cough IMO. But I’ve been running the free viewing part for a week or so now, and it’s all I watch camera wise. Have a 3 monitor setup here with a I7 4700k and NX bounces between 7 and 12% of CPU power, mostly staying around 7%. Plus I think it can be run on a Raspberry PI.

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Do you mean how to install it, or how to generate a link with it? Because both I think are explained on the firmware page:

How to start using RTSP

  1. Once your Wyze Cam is back online, you can access the RTSP function from the live stream (Wyze app version 2.3 or later) under Settings → Advanced Settings → RTSP
  2. The app will automatically check if the installed firmware version is RTSP compatible. If not, please repeat the installation process above.
  3. Next, turn on the RTSP toggle
  4. You’ll be prompted to set up a username and password for this Wyze Cam. Both the username and password should be 4 – 10 characters without special characters (only a-z, and 0-9)
  • PLEASE NOTE - This username and password is unique to just this camera. Please either use something that’s easy to remember or take note of them somewhere, as these will be needed to access the camera’s stream via RTSP
  1. Click “ Generate URL ”, and the RTSP URL will show on the next screen. Use this for streaming through any RTSP compatible player on the same local network as the Wyze Cam.
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The point was about the votes made in the forum made available by Wyze for those who wish to participate. The vote for something the majority that has commented expected to be already included. Wyze isnt asking for us to vote on what we dont want. As for voting, if wyze isnt going to use the votes then get rid of it. For example, i didnt see anyone vote for a IOT scale (which i still dont know why).

MOD NOTE: Post edited to conform to the Community Guidelines.


Then what about those like me who wants to see it remotely and cannot be in the as the cameras as quoted in your response?

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