[Updated 02-13-20] Data leak 12-26-2019

And in my example, he wasn’t great he was good, he was open to thoughtful challenge, and his “rattling” did expand my perspective.

An incredible bargain at $10 per semester. :slight_smile:

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I was very fortunate when and where I went to high school. That would be the late 70’s and in upstate New York in a small town with the rather grandiose name of Castleton-on-Hudson. It was when the Regents system was still in full effect. In my tiny high school 3 of our teachers were actually PHD holders in various fields. All were actually sought after by Cornell and SUNY. Mr. Kienzle was one, he also ran the schools media center and our School Owned HAM radio station. His main job was I suppose a Social Studies teacher. He always decorated his room to match the cultures and regions we were studying and dressed in culturally appropriate clothing or period appropriate and most interesting to us was that he always arranged for a college student from the country we were studying to come talk to us. He was also an active private pilot. A modern renaissance man. I have always admired and respected him.

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Interesting in that the most memorable and effective teacher I had in high school was also in Social Studies. Every class session was the same in that he never ‘taught’, rather he would plop his posterior on the corner of his desk and moderate a ‘group discussion’ for the entire period. Not a single student ever had the impression we were being lectured in any manner but he was so good at directing the discussions we (the students) could not help but learn. It was the most interactive class I’ve ever attended in my life.

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You don’t know our laws so…

Once a company puts some in in an email or letter.
It’s taken as fact by law. I think the same applies to the US.

I had 2 emails from Amazon which was forwarded to the EU commission.
Now the EUROPEAN commission have accepted these emails as fact from Amazon head office.
There are other people who have done the same.

What made people think that you talk to Amazon online chat?
Only stupid people would do this.

I’m not interested in arguing about EU or US law. I’m just telling you that the information Amazon gave you is inaccurate. Whether it happened via email, chat, smoke signal, or soup can phone doesn’t make it any more or less true.

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FWIW it appears that Google has made its Advanced Protection Program (Google’s Smart Lock app) widely available now, both for iOS 10 or later and Android.
Hope this helps. And we are still waiting for more clarification from Wyze, both on security and also where our data has been sent to.

Eh, I value security and privacy equally. I’ll be passing on anything security related provided by Google, but to each their own.


Point well taken!




The Praetorians :wink:

We are the Google, resistance is futile, your data has and will be assimilated!


Not sure this is true in any country…yes a fact that you were provided information…not a fact that said information is in fact true…also a moot point as the TOS for using the product say it’s only for use in the area and under the regulations they comply with…there is no obligation for them to prevent you from breaking the TOS and no obligation for them to cater to the regulations where those that choose not to follow the TOS live…


… go look for another company and enjoy there data breaches and them not telling you because data breaches are occurring every minute of the day. WHY? because hackers need to be paid! These hackers have nothing to loose! They do not care for your life! they do not care for your comfort and good luck in catching them they have no ID, No home, No family they are vetted by other hackers and form an alliance around the world to take down society. You people put all the blame on Wyze but yet you do not see the real enemy… If you are so concern of data breaches then make a New Email at GMAIL for free. Make a special Password specifically for that email and not use the passwords you use for every email you have. Data security begins with you not with this corporation, try and be smart and make sure your passwords on your Modem, Router are all different and not the same, I have 3 passwords on my just because I do not want people on the street to steal my bandwidth. … about data breaches, why not studying up on Hackers, and data breaches and also google how many times it happens per day. … Wyze is a very good company that is actually open to telling you everything they are doing without holding back.

MOD NOTE: Post edited to conform to the Community Guidelines

I respectfully disagree. Data security is a function of everyone in the chain, from consumers all the way thru an organization, from the custodian to the CEO. Good companies consider security. Great companies create a culture of security.

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Let me add that this data leak is an example of the former - a good company that considers security. In the InfoSec world, it is highly recognized that people - yes, people - are the weakest link. This has been demonstrated by Wyze; a single employee left data open to the world, for some time, until a third-party organization brought it to the attention of Wyze.

A great company - one that creates a culture of security - has policies, protocols, so on and so forth the prevents one individuals simple mistake from allowing this to happen. Further, in a culture of security, everyone - repeat everyone - performs their work/responsibilities with security in mind. They ask themselves, am I confident in the repercussions of the change(s) I’m about to make? To what degree? Do I need another team member with complimentary skillsets to take a look?

See the difference? A culture of security centers around taking pause, and careful consideration of security implications at every step of the way.

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That’s a good point. If there’s a break in the chain and a company leaves their system open, it doesn’t matter how good your passwords or security practices are. Things like Microsoft vulnerabilities, bank breaches, etc have shown that multiple times.

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I agree with you. But I’d like to make one point. We’re working with people here and you’re essentially asking for perfection. And as long as people are in the chain perfection is never going to be achieved. They need to strive for it but it will never be achieved


No doubt. Mistakes can and will likely always happen.

I’m merely trying to articulate the difference between an organization that focuses on security as an afterthought (not a hit on Wyze in particular, as many companies put security secondary to other considerations), versus one that creates and fosters a culture of security.

There’s no room for excuses like “its not my job” to consider security. I don’t care if you’re a developer, data analytics person, help desk staff - or whatever. They all must perform their duties with an eye towards security best practices, and its on the C-Level management to create this culture.

EDIT: For example, look at all the validation you must go thru to prove your identity when calling your bank, or cable company. Those customer service reps who answer the phone are part of a security culture. They know that they cannot take action on a caller’s behalf if they are unable to validate the callers identity as a person on the account whom can request action be taken.

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Don’t even bother responding to Javier, he resorted to name calling and insults already and mod had to edit his post to make it acceptable.


I heard they went into politics