Strange sounds

This morning I woke up to see a notification on my phone tat my wyze cam picked up sound. I checked it and it was the most errie sound. Kinda like the beginning of the jaws theme. For real no joke and following the sound I saw two “electricity” like streaks. Its night now and I’m a bit neighbor going to sleep tonight lol do the cams distort noise? All I have in that room are two lazy lizards and nothing was turned on. Anyone experoence anything similar to this?

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Can you post the alert clip here?

We get these noises as well. I turned down the noise alert sensitivity.

All my cameras (4) have a once-per-second ‘chirp’ sound in their audio to some degree. One is pretty irritating, and I try to avoid listening to sound on it. On the rest, the chirping is much quieter, but it varies from camera to camera.

I retired from a radio engineering lab, and I believe this is an internal camera hardware shielding issue. Since it is about once a second, you would think it might be noise being picked up from a clock circuit. My guess though is it is the camera’s network transmission. If you call up the display of the camera’s bandwidth, the sound is pretty much in sync with that.

Hopefully people reading this got one of the quieter cameras. But I suspect if you go to full volume you will hear it. At least I can on my 4 cameras.


I love it when we have someone with true knowledge of an issue and can chime in on these issues we have.

Add another one. Two new cameras (week old) and same noises with my V-2’s. Cameras are set to 49% sensitivity and sounds like crickets.

I have 2 V-2’s with and still have the chirping. Cameras are 2 weeks old.

Hi, can you record the chirping sound and contact our support team? This may be a hardware issue but we won’t know until we hear the sound. Our support team will check it. Thanks!

When I first used my v2, I thought it was a ghost talking, but couldn’t understand what it was saying…really creepy though. I turned down the sound sensitivity and isn’t so bad now.

3 v.1 cameras all have “helicopter noise” here

Tested 2 of my new Wyze cameras. Both with helicopter sounds on audio. Very annoying. Helicopter sound is only on recordings and not live stream. One camera is in a bedroom separated by a wall from the kitchen which has florescent lights. Turned off the lights, still the same. Also tried to turn down noise sensitivity but no effect, but I presume noise sensitivity is only related to whether noise can trigger a detection. Helicopter sound on recording only occurs when there is audio. When it’s quiet, there’s no helicopter sound.

I purchased 4 new v2’s recently because I moved to a different state and accidentally boxed up my old v2’s and put in storage. All of the new ones do the same thing, are in different rooms and for the most part quiet the majority of the time. But that damn noise records on all of them. But we are talking Wyze here…cheap and, well cheap. My experience early on with support wasn’t good, so don’t get your hopes up…

So here we are, 6 years later, and the issue is still not resolved (yes, I have the latest s/w update, tried the various solutions offered, etc.) I’ve read through all the comments and Wyze’s responses, but the recorded and Live modes still an issue. That “tight budget” comment from Wyze was disappointing: yes, these cameras are cheaper than others’ but I’d be happy to pay $10 more to not have this problem in the first place. Regards.