Outdoor Cams Foggy / Condensation After Rain

I have internal fogging as well. I’ve never had this before and I’ve had the cameras for a couple years now.
Only one out of three. It’s mounted under the gutter system

It was during a brief February rain storm with driving winds. I am in New Jersey. Should I assume that the camera seals have failed and allowed moisture in?
It’s been 3 days without much change.
At first I thought it was just dirt but when I went to clean the lens I saw it looked fine from the outside.

Temperatures have been warmer than normal in the Northeast but still cool enough (40s- 50s and cloudy where I could see that it might not dry out.

Does this mean this camera is now going to always fog up even if it does clear?

I have found once it fogs internally the image never clears although it may get a bit better. At night though if lights are near they become big blobs with the internal residue even when it dries. Wyze says to bring them inside to dry but you will still have the residue issue and never as clear as prior. My solution untimately is to replace if lucky under warranty, or out of pocket unfortunately.

Yeah, I finished off the V3 lens by squirting alcohol in it and shaking it around to get the rest of the water out. That loosen the little glass dust cover that was tacked on the back of the lens. Later model seem to be a little piece of plastic glued on. The alcohol must have loosen the glass. But upon further inspection taking apart the lenses, two of the lenses up front were clouded. From what I can assume was maybe sun or maybe just moisture drying out over time. There’s definitely etched effect on one of the little lenses in the main lens.
The sun does cross its path on sunset which sometimes made me wonder if that could ruin the camera.

I didn’t think it was worth trying to buy an aftermarket lens that would fit. That is a lot of the mods online. Use a lens that will work but then you have to try to keep the water out because the lens length is not the same size. I’d have to find an exact replacement. Then I think it could go back together and still work. It appears because the camera is mounted upside down with the SD card slot up, that that’s most likely how the water gets in. I did have a little corrosion on the SD card.

I recently had the same with a couple of the battery cameras. Soon after the fogging they failed. They would drain the battery overnight. I was unable to repair them. I hoped I could swap parts between the two but they were different versions. Also, had a third one fail, my fault. I was able to repair a burnt spot on the power board circuit trace. These have all failed within a couple of months. Since one was in a slightly covered area, I am concerned this might be the start of a trend. I have taken three apart, they really are not sealed that well.