Outdoor Cam Big Disappointment

Adding my whine to the list of the disappointed. The compromises to support a 5200 mAh battery (2x2600??) are too many for me. (no wifi, no continuous recording, etc…). I have great wifi (unifi mesh) coverage outside, but really no convenient place to position the Wyze outdoor hub)

Nevertheless, it’s time to move forward.

Thanks to @angus.black for the “deep cycle battery” and voltage regulator suggestion, My first pass for positioning and “signal quality range checking” was to attach a WyzeCam V2 to a Ankar PowerCore 20100. I’ll do some battery drain tests and likely get a 12Ah UPS battery and a birdhouse cover (per @tomdadian 's suggestion)

[Edit: Wyze Cam V2 recorded for 32 hours continuously attached to a freshly charged Ankar 20100 mAh PowerCore]

@sodcam mentioned TinyCam. In my opinion the best single UI for camera aggregation. @alexey.vasilyev was extremely responsive when he added support for the Wyze move to TOPT 2FA (He had a beta within a week and released code within a month)

I’m also investigating Yi Outdoor plug-in wifi cameras + the Yi-hack. If anyone has experience with these cameras, it may be time for a new thread. Note: the Yi-Hack firmware is supported by the TinyCam viewer.

I’ll find another solution for “Outdoor WyzeCam V2” (aka outdoor, plug-in wifi camera). My prior disappoint remains: No presets on WyzeCam Pan. (A feature request since December 2018) Please provide your upvote. I believe that fixing this would be a weekend project for one of the Wyze Software Engineers.