Objects in motion (not stationary) notifications only

That is due to how the AI currently works. If motion is detected then the entire video is checked to see what is in it. If there is a vehicle it will say it saw a vehicle. Currently, the only way around this is to turn off detections for vehicle notifications.


Piffle. Either Wyze has AI capabilities or it doesn’t and, clearly, it doesn’t. If dogs are smart enough not to chase parked cars, your technology should be able – given the proven capabilities of AI to identify visual information – to tell the difference between a person walking by and an immobile object. The suggestion to turn off vehicle notifications is, essentially, an admission that Wyze can’t separate moving and static objects… and seems to have no intention to be able to.

We have been honest that the way it is right now it can’t differentiate between stationary and moving, it can only tell what is there.

We want to be able to do this and are actually working on it, we just aren’t there yet.


I’ve turned off vehicle detection on my Wyze Doorbell V1 with Cam+ and still get vehicle notifications from that camera for parked and moving vehicles no matter what AI event (vehicle, person, pet…) triggers the notification. The event detection toggles are not working for me.

I also can’t turn notifications on or off for specific AI triggers on my Doorbell V1 with Cam+ because the AI event notification selection only shows a single toggle and it’s all or nothing.

I just typed the below for somebody else related to the V1/V2 Battery cameras. I think you just confirmed it for me for the V1 Doorbell. lol

Outdoor V1/V2 battery cams are still on the older user interface for the Event Recording section. Around 1.5 years ago or so Wyze changed the behavior of the “Detects Motion” slider on the older “Event Recording” user interface. It used to be that IF that slider was OFF but Smart Detections where selected, only the Smart Detections came through. Yeah, the slider didn’t really work like it indicated but it was GOOD in how it worked! LOL! Well, I think it was an app update back then, but that slider changed behavior and became a “no joke” Detects Motion slider. If that slider was set to OFF, no motion period would be recorded. So, the only way to start getting your Smart Detections again was to turn the slider ON. If then set to ON, you got not only the Smart Detections you had selected but also ALL motion, even shadows and tree limbs and cars. I asked repeatedly back then for them to put the slider back to the “old” behavior and make it again detect motion for smart events only even when the slider was OFF but they never did, sadly.

So, all cameras that continue to use the older user interface will behave with the new methodology where that slider will turn off ALL motion detections and turning it on turns on what you have selected for smart events as well as generic motion… with no way to turn off generic motion. The initial launch of the Battery Cam Pro even had this same old user interface with the same behavior! But, on that one, they updated the User Interface to the newer style within a couple firmware updates. :slightly_smiling_face:

I know the V1/V2 Battery cameras have never been updated and the V1 Pan and V1 Doorbell may be in the same boat but I can’t check those right now so not sure about those.

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